Spotlight: PCC Business Partners – LifeLine Ambulance

LifeLine Ambulance: Extraordinary Service in Extraordinary Times

By Pam Sornson, JD

As the grandchild of Holocaust survivors and the child of parents who immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in 1979, young Maxim Gorin had no idea how his future would unfold. When the economic crash of post-9/11 paused his financial service career, Maxim, like his grandparents and parents before him, needed to figure out his next move. Finding a way to give back to their community became his family’s new goal. Father and son found an excellent opportunity to fulfill that desire when they embraced their entrepreneurial spirit by buying two ambulances that launched LifeLine Ambulance (LifeLine) in 2002. Maxim Gorin hasn’t pondered his future since.

In fact, their forward-thinking ability has facilitated the growth of their business from 2002 to today. Since its inception, Lifeline has grown from two vehicles and seven workers to 70+ ambulances and 290 employees. All of them are dedicated healthcare professionals invested in providing the highest quality care to their transport customers. Added service levels and capacities reflect the company’s ongoing attention to customer needs and community demands. And innovation in the face of adversity demonstrates Gorin’s deep dedication to providing unprecedented protection for his customers and team.


Early Years; Learning Curves

Gorin and Lifeline spent their first decade in business in the San Gabriel Valley (SGV), providing essential ambulance services to the region’s many hospitals and clinics. In addition to ensuring that he hired the most highly skilled EMTs and other healthcare personnel for each rig, Gorin also studied the ins-and-outs of the SGV, managed the day-to-day operations, and scheduled activities to respond to more urgent demands.

Those lessons facilitated the company’s growth. Over the next few years, Lifeline added transfer services that were more in line with client hospitals’ needs. LifeLine provides BariatricNeonatal/Pediatric Intensive Care, and Critical Care transportation, including Balloon pump, Impella, ECMO, and LVADS( Left Ventricle Assisted Devices). Each urgent service iteration required additional in-depth training of the Lifeline Ambulance staff, requiring Gorin to upgrade his certifications, expertise, and mandated skill sets. The fundamental challenge was to provide intensive, comprehensive services to ensure patient care continuity through emergency transportation.

By the end of 2019, Lifeline had expanded to cover both Los Angeles and Orange County, with contracts to serve several regional hospitals, dozens of urgent care clinics, and healthcare service providers. Gorin had learned to pivot toward filling the community’s demand for ambulance services by maintaining a vigilant eye on emerging concerns and issues. The company was ‘on a roll’ …


COVID Challenges Up the Ante

… and the timing couldn’t have been better. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept over LA, more people required ambulance transport, and LifeLine was available to accommodate many of those additional needs. At the same time, as more information about the virus became available, Gorin’s dedication to keeping his people and rigs safe and sanitized facilitated his capacity to meet the rising demand to protect and transport COVID patients:

When sanitizing supplies ran low, he developed a new business plan to manufacture them with an Australian Company in China.

When the first shipment of those supplies arrived in June, he was able to keep his enterprise protected while donating excess supplies to hospitals and police departments throughout the LA/OC region.

He also began a bartering system with other healthcare services providers, trading his sanitizing products for other PPE necessities like hospital gowns, gloves, etc., keeping his employees, colleagues, and community safe.

Sharing Knowledge and Service

By Summer 2020, Gorin was actively sharing with the SGV community what he had learned from LifeLine’s COVID-19 crisis management and his 20 years of providing exceptional urgent health care to medically fragile patients. Shortly after joining the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership (SGVEP), Max was soon sitting on its Board of Directors, though not fully realizing the value of joining the organization; he was about to become closely engaged with PCC.


Looking for Workers; Finding a Partner

The second half of 2020 was exceedingly difficult, as the COVID pandemic swept through Southern California in wave after wave. Gorin needed 50-60 new team members to fill the increased demand for critical ambulance transportation services. The challenge was to identify specially trained workers who had the skill set and understood the nuances of working in a mobile, COVID-impacted setting. His introduction to PCC’s Health Sciences division proved advantageous for both parties.


Sharing Assets Improves Both Operations

PCC’s Emergency Medical Technology program is designed specifically to train ambulance service technicians to work as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) on fire trucks, at police departments, and of course, in an emergency vehicle setting. Successful students must meet the requirements of California’s Code of Regulations for EMT training and receive an Occupational Skills Certificate upon graduation. Gorin is interested in immediately hiring PCC EMT graduates and possibly contributing to their education.

Throughout late summer 2020 and into the fall, he collaborated with Dr. Micah Young, PCC’s Division Dean of Health Sciences, and his staff about building a partnership, that would benefit both LifeLine and PCC’s EMT candidates.

Dr. Young offered classroom and academic resources tailored to Gorin’s specific ambulance rig needs. Gorin found the existing PCC curricula excellent when provided with the necessary context only developed through hands-on experience.

Mr. Gorin provided a variety of learning options, all of which enhance the education received by PCC students:

He was willing to provide a ‘ride-along’ to interested PCC students so they could witness ambulances in full operation and gain the skills needed to perform this job. Each Ride-Along Candidate receives hands-on practice in essential emergency medical response:

Perform an assessment;

Measure vital signs;

Operate gurney in general, and related to specific patient’s needs;

Create accurate and informed reports

Use appropriate bedside manner when dealing with any patient that could be facing life-threatening circumstances.

He introduced students to Emergency Room personnel with whom his staff interacted daily, so they could see the nexus of care as it transitioned from ambulatory to clinical.

Gorin devised his partnership aspect to ensure the students receive the full 36 hours (three twelve-hour shifts) of EMT ambulance experience required for certification purposes by the California Code of Regulations.

He and his staff embrace the opportunity (when available) to discuss with candidates the myriad of career options within the healthcare field and how their fundamental EMT training offers a solid foundation for building future careers.

Between them, PCC and LifeLine developed an agreement that gave PCC students exceptional insights into the healthcare field as they worked towards their EMT certification and future occupations. It also allowed Gorin and LifeLine to develop a ‘talent pipeline’ of well-trained, experienced EMTs who would be ready to work the day they graduate. Gorin and his professional staff act as mentors to the learners, offering insights and encouragement, even as they study for exams. Gorin knows that many will not become LifeLine employees as they explore other healthcare career options discovered while in his tutelage.

The first Ride-Along cohort group launched in November with15 student candidates, and by December’ the group had increased to 20 new candidates. By all accounts, the endeavors were successful, although Gorin thinks if he gets five EMTs out of the lot, he’ll be lucky. Once their minds are opened to the possibilities, the PCC candidates are soon looking at other healthcare occupations that may better suit their skills and abilities.


Max Gorin couldn’t imagine his future as he immigrated to the United States so many years ago. However, as a successful businessman, dedicated community member, and American citizen, he is proud of the opportunities he has gained and the opportunities that LifeLine Ambulance can now offer to the LA/OC region’s EMT students at PCC. Extraordinary times, indeed.

Five Pillars: One PCC EWD

By Pam Sornson, JD

The phrase “workforce development” suggests a myriad of images, from an on-site training session to a planning meeting for a future project. At its heart, however, is the notion that every person who wants to work should be able to work to the best of their ability. 

At Pasadena City College (PCC), ‘workforce development’ means providing the education and supports that every student needs to find their way to the occupation of their choice. The department is built on four central ‘pillars’ that form its foundation and streamline its focus on improving student outcomes through occupationally based initiatives:

its Robert G. Freeman Center for Career and Completion (Freeman Center), 

its Work-based Learning initiative, 

its Small Business Development Center

its Workforce Training initiative, and

its PCC Extension, which provides enrichment education for learners from all walks of life, regardless of their intent to find work related to their learning. 


Each pillar provides guidance and resources directed toward a specific element of the workforce development strategy:

Support from the Freeman Center ensures that PCC students have everything they need to persist through their college experience and to land the jobs they want, and 

Work-based Learning gives PCC students hands-on learning and experience in the occupation of their choice;

Experts at the Small Business Development Center offer business and development help to the area’s companies (including those that train and hire PCC graduates), so they can meet their corporate goals.

Workforce Training programs provide basic and upskilling training for potential and existing employees of the region’s employers and companies. 

The PCC Extension shares PCC educational resources with its greater community through online courses. An extensive catalog provides learners of any age or capability with access to work and personal interest-based programs so that they can pursue their educational aspirations at their own pace.       


Understanding how each pillar functions gives readers some insights into the purpose of the EWD and the values it brings to the Pasadena economic region. 


The Robert G. Freeman Career Center

Choosing a career can be difficult for students who are unsure of their aspirations, talents, or skills. The Freeman Center counselors help connect students to those personal assets, then point them toward jobs and careers where their talents can shine. But the Center also offers so much more:

assistance to find resources that respond to the many social, family, and personal barriers experienced by so many potential learners. 

Ongoing support as students labor through their coursework and 

assistance finding on-the-job training opportunities, so learners attain needed hands-on skills in addition to classroom theories.


The Freeman Center resources have helped countless PCC students identify, work towards, and achieve their occupational and professional goals.


Work-based Learning (WBL)

‘Work-based learning’ is precisely what its name describes: providing on-the-job training in conjunction with classroom lessons so that learners gain a broader understanding of the work they’re planning to do, perhaps for the rest of their lives. This business/education partnership represents a ‘best practice’ for many jobs and professions. The students gain needed preparatory skills before actually landing the job; the businesses can train future workers to their exact specifications, and the school can graduate not just students but workers into the regional economy. In the last Academic year, 2019-2020, the Office of WBL added 45 committed community entities to its roster of community partners. 

PCC’s WBL efforts focus on three themes:

increasing student achievements, so they persist through to the end of and complete their educational program;

facilitating access to technical skills that are best taught in a hands-on setting, through apprenticeships, internships, and other on-the-job opportunities, and

enhancing student employability, so learners finish their schooling with both credentials and a job lined up.


The Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The SBDC offers workshops, one-on-one consulting, venture development, and training to both students and any area business looking to improve its operations and outcomes. It connects PCC students with companies to develop training and mentoring opportunities and helps businesses create the internal practices and assets they need to thrive in today’s challenging economy. 

Structured around four primary programs, the SBDC is a resource for cutting-edge business and industry information designed to meet the needs fo virtually anyone who seeks financial success through productive and rewarding work:

PCC Venture Launch

This 10-week program facilitates the testing of potentially viable business models by exploring both theory and hands-on practices. Free to PCC students, it creates the real-world pressures and demands facing today’s start-up companies and allows attendees to experience both success and failure in a safe, testing-only situation. 

The Gig Economy Program

The ‘gig’ economy is driven by those thousands of independent contractors who perform critical services outside of an employer/employee relationship. While currently in development for 2022, the inaugural 2016-2018 program gave students insights into the demands and expectations of this economic development style, the benefits it offers, and the challenges it poses. 

Biz Ed Workshops

These informational workshops and seminars help people turn their excellent product and service ideas into successful businesses. They provide the corporate leadership training that encompasses the guts of today’s mandated workforce standards, including taxation, HR management, regulatory compliance, etc. 

1:1 Consulting

Perhaps its most popular service, the 1:1 consulting services offered by the SBDC’s many business and industry experts give company owners in-depth analysis and support for their unique challenges and problems. Grant funding pays those consultation fees, too, so PCC’s business community can access this resource at no cost.  



Workforce Training 

This innovative program offers businesses the opportunity to train and upskill their workers using PCC teaching and facility resources. Tailored to meet the needs of the adult learners as well as their employers, Workforce Training provides both credited and non-credited courses to polish today’s highest demand skills, including technical competence, business innovation, leadership, and customer services. 

Four fundamental facets round out the Workforce Training module: 

The Employment Training Panel

The EWD acts as a contractor for the ‘ETP,’ which is a funding source that helps to pay for the upskilling and training of California’s workers.

ETP Contract Training

This ‘Just in Time’ training strategy maximizes ETP funds and facilitates workforce training opportunities on the PCC campus. The practice eliminates the need for in-house training by our community business partners. 

California Training Initiative

In conjunction with the California Workforce Association, the EWD delivers training to a variety of local employers. 


These two federally funded programs – Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and I-TRAIN, the Job Training and Education Information Network – subsidize students’ efforts to find and engage with an appropriate training program, including those whose jobs have been displaced due to foreign trade.   



PCC Extension

Whether students are looking to upskill for their job or just learn a new skill in their free time, PCC’s Extension offers a myriad of programs designed to fill those diverse needs. Reading programs, online youth courses, and even programs aimed at America’s military families are just a click away.


Unfortunately, today’s sprawling educational systems aren’t structured to ensure that every possible learner achieves their precise and very personal work and career goals. Instead, legacy training programs are too often corraled into out-dated (albeit well-meaning) protocols that were designed to meet now-irrelevant needs. And, in addition to being obsolete, irrelevant, or both, many potential learners aren’t even able to access these opportunities due to time, financial, or other social constraints. Consequently, society suffers the loss of priceless human resource values as viable and eager workers are stalled in their work-seeking efforts. 

Pasadena City College’s Economic and Workforce Development department (PCC EWD) aims to reverse these legacy practices and facilitate every aspiring worker’s education and training. Its four pillars provide a robust mix of training and experience so that its students, its local and regional business community, and its greater economic community can all thrive. 

Community Colleges as Economic Engines: Opportunity America

By Pam Sornson, JD

Perhaps only two other circumstances have disrupted America’s economy as thoroughly as has the COVID-19 pandemic: the 1929-1931 Great Depression and the Second World War. Each of those events caused immense upheavals across the nation’s economy, resulting in both devastating losses and unexpected gains, as whole industrial sectors shrank or grew in response. 

Those events also impacted the lives of millions of workers. Most of them were able to embrace the positive changes and pursue occupations and goals that may not have been available in the pre-war/Depression eras. Mid-20th Century researchers dubbed this shift in earning capacity ‘economic mobility’ as people began making more money per year than their parents. Economic mobility soon became a hallmark of the ‘American Dream,’ whereby a child born into a family in the bottom 20% of the nation’s average annual income bracket could, with the right tools and a reasonable portion of good fortune, rise to the top income bracket over the course of their working life. Those moving up through those brackets were ‘upwardly’ mobile, while those who slipped lower were ‘downwardly’ mobile.    



Achieving the full promise of that upward economic mobility is possible only when other compatible ‘mobility’ factors are available, however:

‘Relational’ mobility describes the individual’s personal capacity to move beyond their current economic status based on their skills, talents, and abilities. Those who can discipline their efforts and resources to achieve their higher goals are often able to gain higher levels of personal success than those who don’t have those abilities or drive.  

‘Social’ mobility reflects the opportunity to move into a different social ‘class’ or status that is perceived as ‘higher’ than that to which a person is born. Social mobility often flows from the economic success of one’s parents; children born to wealthier families usually have easier access to higher education and other resources, which then improves their capacity to improve their earning capabilities over those of their families. 

‘Structural’ mobility refers to how well workers adapt to the changing occupational needs of the economy. Those who maintain skillsets relevant to emerging industries will enjoy the opportunity to move from occupation to occupation, regardless of their actual work.

When all these various forms of mobility come together, the odds go up that a person will improve their station in life. Gaps or lacks in any one mobility ‘sector’ can impede or prevent any upward momentum altogether. And when people don’t have the capacity or opportunity for upward mobility, local, regional, and national economies tend to shrink. Ergo, the concept of ‘mobility’ in all its forms can directly reflect a community’s economic capacity and opportunities. 




Opportunity America: Framing a Response to the COVID-19 Impact on Mobility

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the discussion around social, relational, structural, and economic mobility more critical than ever. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are shuttered, and millions of people are out of work, some permanently. Many of those suffering these economic hardships have lost whatever economic momentum they may have garnered over their careers, and they now find themselves in a declining spiral of downward mobility. For the country to recover, society must address the economic challenges created by COVID as those are experienced through these various ‘mobility’ lenses.

One agency taking on the challenge is Opportunity America (OA), a Washington D.C. think tank dedicated to developing policies directed at improving the resources that drive economic mobility upward: skills, career options, training, business ownership, and entrepreneurship. The group’s primary focus is research that grounds sound economic and social policies capable of steering the country to achieve higher growth goals. OA has determined that one of the country’s most appropriate resources for combating the recession and rebuilding the economy – and thereby generating necessary economic ‘mobility’ factors – is its community colleges.  



The Indispensable Institution – Reimagining Community College

In its seminal report, “The Indispensable Institution – Reimagining Community College,” OA explains why America’s 1,100 two-year colleges have the best chance of rehabilitating both the labor force and the economy. Crafted by a working group of 22 education, economic, and social research experts, the report shines a light on the educational, social, and societal elements contributing to the American working class’s slow decline. It also provides recommendations for turning that decline around by reimagining its community colleges as workforce development engines to reinvent and revitalize the nation’s economy. Doing so will shift the focus away from the colleges’ traditional goal – transferring its students to a four-year school – to that of building a globally recognized talent pipeline that stands on its own as a high-quality, educationally excellent workforce resource. 

As a template for consideration and future planning, the report’s eleven recommendations address the challenges that have evolved within traditional higher education processes and rethinks them into opportunities for renewed growth and impetus. It looks at how community colleges have operated in the past and the social and economic implications of their limitations. The recommendations themselves provide clearly defined steps forward that will require effort from the schools, their leaders, their communities, and their governmental allies. 



Social and Policy Recommendations (identified by report number)

1.  Connect educational programming to local industrial demand

Most community colleges have designed their curricula and programming to feed into their four-year university partners’ academic requirements, and too many of those provide little or no work-based skills upon which the student can build a career. Instead, the OA suggests that redirecting those courses to provide the exact skills and training needed by local businesses gets those industries the trained labor force they need when they need it. It also builds a job market that’s attractive to learners looking for a comfortable future that doesn’t require a four-year university degree. 

2.  Recognize the needs of mid-career adults

Many older learners need to acquire new skills to find work in today’s evolved marketplace. They may be wanting to improve their fortunes in their existing careers, or, due to COVID or other economic causes, their previous occupation no longer exists, and they’re starting anew. Flexible class and course scheduling and enhanced credentialing opportunities provide them with stepping stones to these new positions. 

3.  Connect admissions to employment, not graduation

Colleges should no longer tolerate ‘unemployed graduates’ as acceptable outcomes for their students.

4.  Engage local businesses in the learning process  

Even the best-trained teacher can’t match the depth of knowledge of the working professional. Local businesses know what they need for skilled workers, in both the short and long term. They are excellent resources for colleges that are redesigning their offerings. 

10.  Integrate the community college with local job-training programs

Public agencies frequently offer training programs for local citizens, which can, in some cases, overlap with programs provided by the local community college. This duplication of effort and cost is unnecessary. Instead, consider collaborating on what programs local industries need and which public or college resource should be the training provider. Building in equal standards across both systems ensures high-quality workers emerge from both. 

11.  Direct public funding toward programs tied to regional economic growth

Every region hosts a cluster of industries that thrive in its unique geographic and political environment. Community colleges that design their studies to drive those industries forward will build a healthy future for both those businesses and their graduates. Governments can tie public education funding to achieving those goals.



Internal College Considerations

Inside each school, the report suggests several changes that will facilitate the transition from its traditional practices to those which support this forward-thinking vision. 

5.  Build on foundational skills and career-focused competencies

Foundational skills include problem-solving, communication capacity, critical thinking, and basic research abilities. Job-focused competencies like applied math, teamwork training, situational analytics, and time management improve every worker’s productivity, regardless of their actual work. 

6.  Include work-based learning

Apprenticeships, internships, and job-related exposures all provide learning opportunities that are unavailable in a traditional classroom teaching environment. Colleges should actively seek the funding and partnerships needed to support such learning opportunities.

One of the pillars of Pasadena City College’s Workforce Development department is its work-based learning officeProgram Manager Jacqueline Javier shares her efforts to connect PCC students with valuable work experience before completing their studies.    

7.  Recognize the value of non-credit education

Non-credit education frequently provides the ‘just-in-time’ training needed to get into a new job. However, without accreditation, those efforts don’t also feed into a certification program that provides assurances for employers. Learners would benefit when both their credited and non-credited efforts are recognized.  

8.  Offer valuable credentials

Building on the nob-credit recognition is the need for credentialing opportunities that demonstrate value in the current job market. Tying those credentials to existing industry standards ensures both workers and employers that the education offered is appropriate and qualified.  

9.  Recognize student needs

It’s a challenging world these days, and many prospective community college students must balance family and economic challenges with gaining an education. Streamlining educational efforts through well-defined course and program descriptions give students a map to follow that has a reasonable expectation of both college success and future employment. For older and working learners, recognizing skills and abilities already mastered can enhance the end diploma and resume. 

The national, regional, and local economies in 2021 will be vastly different from those that existed even just one year ago. How the country builds itself back better than before depends on harnessing its existing assets in new, more productive ways. Its community colleges can play a significant – potentially critical – role in that evolution, and Opportunity America’s report provides insights and guidance on how they might move toward those goals.  

You can listen to a discussion between Tamar Jacoby, the Founder of Opportunity America, and Salvatrice Cummo, Executive Director of PCC’s Economic and Workforce Development (PCC EWD) department on PCC EWD podcast episode 25.  

Our FoW Experts Offer Answers to Three Critical Workforce Questions

By Pam Sornson, JD

With so many crises bearing down on the country and the world these days, it’s difficult to know which specific concerns to prioritize and which ‘next steps’ offer the most promise for a true solution. Those same problems occur within individual industries, too; leaders in every field have no shortage of ‘hot button’ issues to deal with on a daily basis. Many of them wisely turn to subject matter experts to find comprehensive information and a deeper understanding of the issues they face.

The same confusion is true in the field of education. Many educational leaders are not also experts in technology, logistics, or other concerns that have arisen because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their go-to experts are those professionals in other related fields who can offer insights and options that will work in an educational setting.


The roster of Panel Participants, Sponsor Representatives, and Keynote Speakers at PCC’s recent Future of Work Conference are all such experts. The insights they shared there can be significant for college administrators grappling with managing the pandemic while also planning their future semesters.

As an aspect of the Conference, we asked our guests to respond to three questions, each of which is relevant to the overarching theme of the conversation, “Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Workforce Development.” Their individual answers reveal the depth and breadth of their personal knowledge and experience; their collective response reveals that there are solutions to these problems and that, in many cases, there are specialists already working on them toward a more positive future.



Question 1: Are there ‘best practices’ for workforce development solutions?

Answering this query also meant assuming a relatively consistent description of the actual problem. Even before the coronavirus, America was suffering a significant skills gap as industries grew ever more technically complex. At the same time, training programs (when and where those were available) remained rooted in outdated legacy systems and standards. The explosive technological growth driving the corporate and industrial sectors has outpaced any comparable growth trajectory in the higher education sector, leaving industries without workers and potential workers without skills.

For the FOW participants, closing the skills gap is the primary ‘best practice’ for workforce development. The COVID concern has both underscored and highlighted that challenge as the most significant obstacle to genuine economic growth in the future:

Our opening Keynote Speaker, Josh Davies, CEO of the Center for Work Ethic Development, noted that COVID has changed our expectations of ‘workforce development’ because the transformations it has caused have eliminated as many as 42% of existing occupations. Those workers now need to find new jobs in new fields and learn the new skills they’ll need to be successful. His recommendations for best practices include:

eliminating obsolete job training programs in favor of new options designed to respond to actual workplace demands;

expanding apprenticeships into more fields to encourage hands-on learning and

expecting every worker also to be a life-long learner. Change is not only inevitable, it’s also happening faster than ever before.


Our closing Keynote Speaker, Sheneui Weber, Vice-Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, also shared her insights on workforce development, but from a different perspective. She noted that California is developing a Racial Equity Task Force as a ‘best practice’ means of including all available human resources in the economic recovery effort, including older learners and those who don’t fit the standard ‘worker’ or ‘student’ model. She also sees achieving digital competence as a ‘best practice’ strategy that will benefit all businesses and workers equally. Ms. Weber encouraged listeners to embrace the disruptions imposed by COVID as opportunities to rethink their business model and future planning considerations.


The panelists also share their insights on workforce development best practices:

Tamar Jacoby, CEO of OpportunityAmerica, believes that developing community colleges to be the logical providers of emerging workforce skills training should become a civic ‘best practice.’ Embedding the industrial region’s economic foundation into local community settings ensures that appropriate and timely workforce training is available to all at a reasonable price and with appropriate consideration of learner challenges.

Reg Javier, Executive Director of the CA Employment Training Panel, suggests building in prerequisites for underserved populations earlier in their educational journey, at the middle and high school levels. Connecting foundational education goals with future career opportunities will create a labor force ready to work from the day of graduation.

Clayton Pryor, Director of Workforce Development, Advocate Aurora Health (AAH), echoed the ‘best practice’ of more collaboration across schools, businesses, and governments. AAH is already blazing that trail by partnering with both local businesses and technology schools to ensure its hiring pool is adequately prepared when they’re finally ready to go to work. It also adopted innovative promotion policies that move experienced workers up through the company, following their occupations’ logical ranks.

Donald Bradburn, Kaiser Permanente’s Director of Workforce Planning and Development, advocates for expanding apprenticeship opportunities in as many different disciplines as possible to take full advantage of the benefits of hands-on, in-the-field learning. Like AAH, he also suggests upskilling existing workers into new roles and including technology training as a standard in all training programs.

Dr. Darlene Miller, Executive Director of the National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE), adds that facilitating more flexible work schedules would also go a long way to ensure all who wanted to work could do so when their calendar permits it. Limiting every program to a standard one-size-fits-all timeframe also excludes those who don’t actually fit that size.

Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza, founder and Director of the Social Justice Learning Institute, encourages collaborations with schools and businesses, especially for those programs designed to serve underserved pops. As an added ‘best practice’: he advocates a continual focus on building Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into the economic partnerships that drive whole regions, such as the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation.

This discussion offered a plethora of both great strategies and workable role models.



Question 2: How do we manage COVID-19 concerns?

One thing all FOW conference participants agreed on was that the COVID-19 pandemic is providing an excellent opportunity to learn how to handle unexpected challenges. The public health crisis has impacted all aspects of society, and no one person or entity is immune from its continuing fallout.

Clayton Pryor intends to extend newly established, COVID-driven solutions to address future challenges. His organization has already demonstrated corporate adaptability in this situation, and he is confident that these lessons will provide him with excellent tools to use in the future.

Donald Bradburn has been impressed by innovations in service delivery models that facilitate similar services but in unorthodox ways, citing a ‘drive-through clinic’ as an example.

Both Sheneui Weber and Ramona Schindelheim, co-moderator of the event and Editor in Chief of WorkingNation, encourage using COVID-19 related responses as teaching tools for future concerns, health-related or otherwise.

They all agree that the pandemic has revealed the need for flexibility, even in the face of maintaining high-quality standards for all services.



Question 3: How do diversity and inclusion affect today’s and tomorrow’s workforce development practices?

This question triggered another near-unanimous response: every organization must be intentional about expanding its labor pool’s diversity to ensure it attracts and retains the high-quality workforce it needs to thrive.

Some panelists commented on the challenges presented by a newly established ‘diversity drive’:

Dr. Scorza, Mr. Javier, and Erica Jacquez, Executive Director of External and Government Affairs at Verizon, all mentioned the problems created by a lack of fundamental skills. These issues are made worse when technical skills are also absent. They each noted the need for added skills training at much earlier stages in a learner’s life (middle school and beyond).

Ms. Jacoby and Dr. Miller noted that, too often, the ‘preferred’ pool of potential workers is limited to a certain age and lifestyle range that leaves out older workers and those who must manage other life concerns in addition to gaining an education. These populations would benefit from a more flexible schedule and increased apprenticeship opportunities in addition to the traditional college experience.

Mr. Bradburn recommended expanding the diversity strategy beyond the corporate perimeter to include supply chains and third-party vendors. Actively searching for minority-focused companies with which to do business automatically includes the ‘equity’ element in those transactions.


Other panelists highlighted their organization’s diversity success stories:

Verizon (Javier and Jacquez) shared how the company’s focus on connectivity provided vital internet connections for college students who had lost that resource when they lost access to their school.

Ms. Weber underscored the fact that California’s Racial Equity Task Force is actively researching the challenges posed by unequal economic situations to find solutions to those challenges and the additional problems they cause.


The insights, opinions, and suggestions offered by the panelists at Pasadena City College’s second annual Future of Work Conference provide invaluable assistance to any entity – school or business – seeking to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and emerge from the calamity stronger than ever. We so appreciate their time and attention.


Future of Work Conference Speakers Bring Added Value

The panel participants at Pasadena City College’s November 12th Future of Work Conference, “Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Workforce Development,” offered unique insights about the challenges that they perceive are now facing today’s work world. From their varying perspectives as leaders in their particular workforce and economic development industries, they collectively paint a picture that is both daunting and optimistic. The digital resources they shared add nuance to their discussion.


From (Sponsor) Verizon’s Representatives Jesus Roman & Erica Jacquez: Verizon Innovative Learning

Verizon’s overarching Digital Inclusion initiative seeks to connect all communities to digital resources and provide the training they need to flourish with those tools. Within that strategy, the telecom giant focuses on giving students, in particular, the assets they need to thrive in their both education and subsequent careers. The Innovative Learning program facilitates free internet access, devices, and ‘technology-infused’ lessons to learners in communities with scant or non-existent digital connections.

The company also leverages resources from other non- and for-profit organizations to build out STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) opportunities in communities that might not otherwise have those capacities. Using its 5G technology to power on-campus labs, learners access augmented and virtual reality, 3D printing, and immersive collaborations to expand curricula and lesson plans. In 2020, the program expanded into 264 new Title 1 schools across the country, and, through its online resources and learning tools, Verizon plans to connect with 10,000,000 teachers and students by 2030.

Since 2012, the Verizon Innovative Learning initiative has invested over $535 in STEM education market value to help all its community bridge the digital divide.


From Co-Moderator Ramona Shindelheim, Editor in Chief, WorkingNation

Toyota has taken the lead in addressing the huge demand for skilled manufacturing workers, according to WorkingNation, an employment and economic workforce development thinktank. With nine U.S.-based plants in operation, the automotive leader is constantly in need of employees with the advanced technological skills demanded by both today’s drivers and industry regulators. However, the country’s available manufacturing workforce numbers have been dwindling for years; a 2018 Deloitte study revealed that approximately 600,000 then-available jobs were unfilled and that that number would grow (based on industry growth) to about 2,000,000 by 2025.

Not here, says Toyota Motor North America, which began its first training program in 1987, as an adjunct to its problem-solving and continuous learning policies. In 2013, rather than wait for community-based schools to provide the necessary training, the company took the affirmative step to engage students directly with its Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) program. This two-year training course provides learners with the exact skills they’ll need to achieve a well-paying career in the automotive industry. An additional bonus is that one of the training entities – Toyota – is also a potential employer the day after graduation.

As a model for career technical education, the AMT program demonstrates lasting value to its students and their communities, providing much-needed labor and well-paying jobs at the same time. Many national education leaders believe it to be one of the best career pathway programs in the country.


From Tamar Jacoby, President  OpportunityAmerica

Since its inception, Toyota’s AMT initiative has grown to include over 300 companies across nine states that partner with 22 local community and technical schools to develop the labor force needed by their specific operation. Dubbed the “Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education,” or FAME, the collaborative efforts develop ‘global-best manufacturing talent’ by teaching technologies, instilling industry-specific cultural skills, and building professional habits across all its member practices.

OpportunityAmerica and the Brookings Institute tracked FAME efforts in Kentucky from 2010 through 2017 and compared its graduates with students from similar backgrounds who did not enroll in the program. Statistics reveal compelling evidence of FAME’s success:

80% of FAME enrollees graduated, compared with only 29% of non-FAME students.

For non-whites, 64% graduated, as compared to only 24% of the non-FAME learners.

Five years post-graduation, the FAME enrollees were earning almost $100,000 annually, versus $52,000 for non-FAME workers.

When asked, the FAME participants sang high praises for the program that effectively changed their lives:

97% stated the program was absolutely the right program for them.

94% indicated that the on-the-job learning aspects were the most valuable assets in their career.

They also touted the high value of the classroom/on-the-job training strategy as instrumental in their success.

While not perfect – the Kentucky study also revealed several areas for growth in FAME’s structures – the FAME venture responds to many of today’s major industrial and workforce ills. It provides well-trained workers for existing and new jobs and well-paying jobs for those who elect to engage in its educational processes.


From Clayton Pryor, Director of Workforce Development, Advocate Aurora Health

Optimizing the depth and breadth of tomorrow’s workforce also requires a finely tuned attitude toward the inclusion of people of color, ethnicity, and differing abilities. This belief is both the attitude and the policy of Advocate Aurora Health (AAH), one of the country’s largest not-for-profit healthcare organizations. The company strives to provide superior healthcare services for its patients by emphasizing safety and best medical practices and including cultural and socially informed considerations in its actions. Its fundamental goal is to transform communities by addressing healthcare inequities through strategic partnerships and inclusive economic development programs.

Its 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Impact Report lists out the various initiatives AAH pursues in furtherance of these ideals:

Its ‘patient preference system’ actively seeks feedback to direct the nature of patient/caregiver interactions. The information gathered compelled staff behavioral modifications, which triggered a 45% increase in customer care satisfaction among its African American patients.

AAH also developed a Diversity & Inclusion Clinical Care Steering Committee to ensure that all communities were appropriately represented in ‘standard of care’ decision-making.

AAH also expanded its network of faith-health partnerships to include spiritual care in its patient’s overall health journey and won national recognition as a leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality.

AAH’s commitment to a robust, healthy, and thriving community can be seen across its diverse populations of patients, care providers, staff, and supplier networks.


From Reg Javier, Executive Director, CA Employment Training Panel

Diversity and inclusion are strong workforce and economic development principles for the California Employment Training Panel (ETP). The ETP administers state funding for job training, creation, and retention, primarily for pre-employment training activities. Its goal is to facilitate job and career education for incumbent and unemployed workers to gain the skills they need to find or keep a steady job.

Those funding resources are highly valuable in the community, too:

60% of businesses accessing ETP support employ less than 100 workers. These small companies rarely have the resources available for training purposes.

The ETP also prioritizes its spending in industries that are key to California’s economic health, including biotechnology, manufacturing, and healthcare. ‘Clean energy’ enterprises also benefit from its attention.

Not insignificantly, the ETP also looks to support underserved populations, including veterans, people with disabilities, and at-risk youth, and intentionally seeks out businesses in communities with high unemployment rates.

Since its launch in 1982, the TEp has directed more than $1.5 B to employers, provided over 80,000 companies with trained workers, and funded training for more than one million employees.


The visionaries who do this work – and shared it so graciously with the attendees at PCC’s Future of Work Conference – are paving the way to a brighter, safer, and more equitable future for California, its citizens, and its economies.


Pasadena City College Podcasts: LA’s ‘Who’s Who’ Discuss What You Want to Know About Workforce Development, Education, and the Economy

Many sectors influence the economic and workforce development (EWD) landscape, and each stratum is populated with many informed and inspired professionals. Each of these experts offers deep insights into the workings of their particular industry and how it is addressing the challenges and opportunities facing our complex employment, workforce, and economic situations.


We Like to Talk …

The Economic and Workforce Development (EWD) department at Pasadena City College (PCC) regularly connects with these experts to obtain information, understand their issues, and contemplate solutions to its learners’ most significant concerns. Through their eyes, PCC can glean the insights needed to guide course and program development and develop the services and supports that will help its students and business partners achieve the successes they seek. Through their inputs, the college can keep its finger on the ‘pulse’ of its industrial and economic partners (hence the name of this bi-monthly email newsletter, “The Pulse”).

While some of these discussions are covered in the Pulse letter itself, others are broadcast through the EWD’s regular “Future of Work” Podcast. In each, EWD Executive Director Salvatrice Cummo sits down for a lively and informative chat with these industry leaders and shares their views and opinions with the Podcast’s many listeners.


… About a Lot of Things

The specific order of podcast guest appearances is based primarily on available calendar opportunities. However, in general, the speaker line-up has broken into four main topics, each of which brings an independent perspective to the “Future of Work” and Economic Development conversations:


Corporate and  Industry

Policy influences


Each conversation touches on both the overarching concerns that involve everyone – economic development, workforce development, educational opportunities, etc. – while also providing more in-depth insights and thoughts about the expert’s specific industry or role.

Listening to the podcasts chronologically offers listeners a wide-ranging discussion of issues, concerns, and questions that may arise in one sector but also has an impact, sometimes significantly, on them all. However, by grouping them into their respective industries and listening to each of those as a cluster, listeners can make connections and mine an even deeper understanding of the more granular concerns that consternate individual sectors as a whole.

Ganged into clusters below, you’ll find conversations with experts in those fields, along with their episode number, so you can easily find them on the Podcast main page.


Our Government Guests

The government is involved in almost every aspect of education, and policies and practices have profound impacts on every community. Understanding the pressures and priorities that drive civic decision-making helps educators and industries tailor their efforts to maximize the possible values in governmental initiatives.

We were fortunate to have not one but two government representatives on our inaugural episode. State Representative Chris Holden and Senator Anthony Portantino continued the conversation they had begun at PCC’s 2019 Future of Work Conference about improving and growing the nexus of shared goals among civic leaders, schools, and students.

Once launched, we engaged in a series of quasi-introductory education, industry, workforce, and government policy discussions at episodes 3 and 4 (Emerging Workforce Trends in Industry, parts 1 & 2), 5 and 6 (Workforce Education Policy: Building Pathways to Success for Students and Employers, parts 1 & 2), and 7 and 8 (Policy, Business & Education: A Deep Dive Discussion to Bridge the Gap, parts 1 & 2). These conversations make connections between workforce trends emerging in the LA region’s vast industrial landscape, policy insights around education and industry, and community colleges’ planning and practices in response to those factors.

Our next government representative (at episode 34) was Caroline Torosis, the Director of Economic and Business Development for LA County. She’s been in leadership at LA County to pursue several initiatives, including addressing wage disparities, seeking affordable housing opportunities, and now in developing workforce and economic opportunities for the County’s underserved populations.


Corporate & Industry

LA County as more than 10 million residents, many of whom work in one of its seven targeted industries. Each of those industries, in turn, hosts hundreds (or thousands) of smaller businesses, each of which contributes its own unique asset to the overall economic mix. And all of those businesses require a skilled workforce that can help them achieve their corporate goals and successes.

The challenge of finding that workforce was a concern even before the COVID pandemic occurred and got worse as the spread of the disease cost thousands of LA residents their jobs. Now, the region continues to suffer one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates, and infection rates continue to rise.

However, the County’s business community hasn’t been sitting idle during these past months, managing, when possible, the transition to a remote workforce or working to retain assets even while their customers were forced to stay home. Instead, many were compelled to address issues that might not have risen so quickly to importance but for the immense economic impact caused by the crisis.

Fortunately for EWD Podcast listeners, many were able to chat with Host Salvatrice Cummo remotely. They were happy to share their experience of the past year and also their views of the future for LA’s regional labor force and economy. There are too many of these highly informed and knowledgeable speakers to go into detail here, but this list includes their names, positions, respective occupations and professions, and links to their particular podcast episode.

Here, they are listed in the chronological sequence in which they appeared:

Jorge Orozco, Chief Executive Officer of Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center. A long-time healthcare administrator and advocate, Mr. Orozco appeared in Episode 2 on March 3.

Bill Manis, President & CEO of the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership. A retired City Manager, Mr. Manis shares insights gleaned during his 33-year career in Episode 9, which aired May 6.

Victor Parker, District Director of the Small Business Administration’s Los Angeles office. Building businesses means building the economy. Hear Mr. Parker’s insights on the system in Episode 10, airing May 13.

Don Loewel, Director – PCC Small Business Development Center. As the leader of this critically important small business support agency, Mr. Loewel also appeared in an earlier edition of the Pulse. His conversation occurred in Episode 11

Jessica Kim, Senior Director of Economic Development at the LA Economic Development Corporation. Ms. Kim brings years of strategic civic and business development experience to her role with LA’s premier economic development group (which was also featured in the Pulse). She appeared in Episode 12

Stephen Cheung, President of the World Trade Center, Los Angeles (WTCLA). Mr. Cheung helps existing industries do better while also encouraging new businesses to locate and thrive in the LA community. He spoke with us in Episode 15 on June 17.

Jesse Torres of Arroyo West. It should surprise no one that LA is home to one of America’s biggest entrepreneurial crowds. Mr. Arroyo tells us why these visionaries contribute so much to the economy and the future in Episode 20

Nate Constantine, Former Executive Director of Talent Acquisition at Warner Bros. The LA region is awash in great talent. Mr. Constantine discusses how he connects the brightest people to their best career opportunities in Episode 21.

Jim McCarthy, CEO & Co-Founder of Goldstar. Mr. McCarthy’s exuberance as CEO of “the world’s greatest audience generation company for live entertainment” is equally apparent in Episode 22.

Niki Lee, Principal of Ernst & Young, discusses how corporate culture determines employee satisfaction and productivity in Episode 23.

Philip June, Director of Engineering at SoCal Design Center & Long Beach Site Director, Boeing. So much more than an administrator, Mr. June’s engineering background now assists the Boeing teams he works with to accomplish their best. Hear it all in Episode 32.



Policy Influences

There are always those who think bigger than ‘the box’ – folks who don’t work in any particular sector but whose knowledge and experience bridge several sectors together. The PCC EWD Podcast has been honored to host a few of these enlightened thinkers.

Tamar Jacoby, Founder of Opportunity America. If you read nothing else about workforce development, read this organization’s report on the possibilities embedded in America’s community colleges in its report, “The Indispensable Institution.” She spoke about it in Episode 25 on November 5.

Ramona Schindelheim, Editor in Chief of WorkingNation, co-moderator of our November 12th Future of Work Virtual Conference, brought her keen analytical eye and long history of business and industry insights to two conversations on Episode 18 (July 8) and again at Episode 27 (on November 9).

Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza, Executive Director & Founder of the Social Justice Learning Institute. Dr. Scorza’s focus on educational equities drives his many economic and inclusion initiatives. Hear about those in Episode 29, recorded November 11.

Josh Davies, CEO, Center for Work Ethic Development. Workforce development should include more than training and skills. It should also have the seven ‘soft skills’ outlined by Mr. Davies organization. He graced our Podcast three times on Episode 13 (June 3 – Building Accountability), Episode 26 (November 6 – Breaking Barriers with Soft Skills), and Episode 31 (November 24 – Using 2020 Lessons to Forecast the Future).



Government policy, industry demand, and enlightened development and economic theory play a growing role in the decisions being made at today’s community colleges. These Podcast guests share the experiences and wisdom they’ve gained as witnesses to how community college education is a growing foundation for the country’s workforce development efforts.

Dr. Erika Endrijonas, Superintendent-President of Pasadena City College. Her leadership role at PCC also puts her in the driver’s seat in its workforce development efforts. Dr. Endrijonas’s experience with students, systems, and instruction inform her discussions, which you’ll find in Episode 14 (June 10 – Leadership in a Time of Crisis) and Episode 28 (November 10 – Change is Possible).

Dr. Brock Klein, Associate Dean of Pathways FYE Program. Many students won’t finish college (or be productive members of the workforce) if they don’t have a positive first-year experience. Dr. Klein is PCC’s go-to expert on ensuring student persistence from one year to the next. Hear his thoughts in Episode 16.

Jacqueline Javier of The Freeman Center. Some careers build better when learners gain hands-on experience while also studying theory and practice. In Episode 17, you’ll hear how Ms. Javier leads PCC’s Freeman Center’s efforts to find and connect PCC students with work-based learning opportunities.

Darlene Miller, Executive Director of the National Council for Workforce Education. A long career in community college leadership directed Ms. Miller to her role with this workforce development thinktank. Her thoughts on where we’ve come from and where we are today can be heard in Episode 30, which aired November 12.

Dr. Stephanie Cellini, professor, George Washington University. There’s a shift in perspective going on about the significance of community colleges versus four-year schools. Dr. Cellini discusses the ramifications of the new philosophy and how it impacts the national economy in Episode 34.

Salvatrice Cummo, Executive Director of Economic & Workforce Development, PCC. She’s not just the Podcast’s co-host; she’s also the executive director of a growing and thriving Economic and Workforce Development department at PCC. She discusses how her business experience influences her current and future plans for PCC students and its neighboring business community in Episode 19, which aired July 15.


As broad and deep as this speaker profile list is, it’s only just the beginning of the PCC EWD’s exploration of the nexus between work, policy, economics, and education. Keep listening as we bring more of the LA region’s experts to weigh in on how the area can achieve greater success as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic freeze.


Ramona Schindelheim: Skills and Careers Will Shape the Future of Work

The numbers do tell a tale, but not all of it. Unemployment during the COVID pandemic is rampant, and too many people are afraid that they may never work again.


That fear is understandable says Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-in-Chief of WorkingNation and the co-host of Pasadena City College’s second annual (but first virtualFuture of Work Conference (which ran flawlessly over Zoom on Thursday, November 12; listen to it here). Prolonged unemployment depletes savings accounts and frays nerves, especially when there’s no apparent new job opportunity in sight.


However, Schindelheim believes the current unemployment situation can act as a reset for how people and companies can be thinking about their future careers and progress.

Many existing skills can transfer to new jobs so folks can carry some of what they love about their previous occupation into their next one.

For those with available resources, having the time to upskill to a new skill set can enhance their opportunity to find new work in a new or evolving industry.

There are many indicators that how we work will be different after the pandemic subsides, so it makes sense to be prepared to meet those new requirements.

Both groups must find a strategy to address their current challenge (no job or no market) that promises not just a path forward but also an opportunity to thrive. Both are likely to find the strategic support they need right around the corner – at their local community college.


Unemployment Is a Problem

As in other regions across the country, Californians watched as the pandemic shuttered numerous industries, at least for a time, and many of those are struggling to recover. Statistics comparing job numbers between September 2019 and September 2020 reveal that the concern continues to be significant:

The Leisure and Hospitality industry dropped over half a million jobs (579,000) due to the closing of restaurants, hotels, and theme parks closed and the cancellation of virtually all community events.

Transportation, trade, and utility jobs also evaporated by some 174,000, and

Education and health services lost another 138,000.

Millions are still out of work.


Underemployment is Also a Problem

Even before COVID-19 hit, however, America’s industries struggled to find the workers they needed to keep up with growing demand for services and products, especially in the manufacturing industry. In some cases, even when there were available job candidates, they didn’t have the skill set needed to perform the work.

Research released in July 2019 revealed:

About 83% of employer respondents were having difficulties finding appropriate job candidates for their openings.

Approximately 75% were struggling with skills shortages in the applicants they reviewed.

Of the 7.4 million jobs available in April of that year, employers could fill only 5.9 million, leaving unfilled an estimated 1.5 million employment opportunities.

One leading cause given for the shortages is the shrinking labor force itself. An aging population reduces the number of available workers, and those that are left apparently don’t have sufficient skill sets to qualify for all the work there is to do.

The data underscores Schindelheim’s point for both workers and employers: Don’t just look at the unemployment numbers; also look at the job openings that are (or will soon be) available and the skill sets they require. With that information, workers can identify the work they want to do in the future, and employers can be more specific about the skills they’re looking for in their next hiring cycle. Then they can both move forward on preparations for their next occupational steps whenever and wherever those might become available.


Unemployed or Understaffed? Start Locally

As a long-time journalist covering national, regional, and local news, Schindelheim is also adamant that both businesses and the unemployed take their next steps locally and believes their best place to start is their nearest community college. Additionally, before COVID-19, while unemployment numbers were low, there was also significant underemployment; many worked in lower-paying jobs because they lacked the skills needed to attain higher-paying occupations. These workers, too, would benefit from services offered by their local community college.

Several years ago, California noted this disparity and began investing in its community colleges to provide the training these underemployed workers need to qualify for a better job. Those investments are evident today, as many of the state’s community colleges now offer high-quality middle-skill courses and programs. These programs are now feeding the demand for middle-skilled workers that are in such high demand across all industries.

After COVID-19, the combination of high unemployment and a labor shortage is motivating the education system even harder to produce not just workers but also skilled workers. California state policy has positioned its community colleges to address the challenges facing both its unemployed and underemployed workers, as well as its understaffed business community.


For Workers

  Think ‘Skills,’ Not ‘Studies’

Too many people still believe that the only college experience that brings actual value is the four-year kind. Not true, according to Schindelheim. The U.S. census backs her up: only 36% of the U.S. population over 25 years has a four-year degree or higher, which means up to 64% are doing as well or better with less than that level of academic accomplishment. Some can craft significant success with no higher education credentials at all. Most can climb their personal career ladders by combining the theoretical foundations with skills training and work-based learning (WBL) provided by their local community college.

  Think ‘Pivot,’ Not ‘Parked’

Another draw to the community college for out-of-workers is the opportunity to build on existing skillsets to adapt to new occupational demands. It may be that some jobs will never come back, but it’s also likely that something similar will take their place.

For example, many occupations have already been transformed by technological developments, making them more challenging to perform, even for those with long-time experience. In these situations, one appropriate response would be to embrace the technology and learn the skills needed to master it. In many cases, robots are replacing workers, but those robots also generate the demand for maintenance, repairs, installations, reprogramming, etc. Robots need people to keep them working. Planning to adapt to changes within a particular industry means workers can retain their foundational knowledge and build on it with new skills and abilities.

Ergo, Schindelheim suggests considering not’ job descriptions’ but ‘skill sets’ when determining next steps in one’s occupational journey. Regardless of the tasks accomplished, many skillsets transfer well from job to job. Many workers – as many as 71 million – already have the ability to perform higher-waged functions even if they – and their employers – don’t realize that fact. The local community college can help them upskill what they already know to find new opportunities in their previous industry.



For Businesses

Many business leaders have never considered their local community college as anything other than a possible hiring portal. And most don’t know about their evolution into the skills training, workforce-development agency they have become. Schindelheim is hopeful that events such as PCC’s Future of Work conference will help get the word out that training and retraining programs are available to businesses locally.

  Think ‘Partner,’ Not ‘Placement’

Even though no one company can (or should) excel at everything, most can thrive when they optimize the values provided by their partnerships. Out-sourced resources like CPA’s, HR services, tech services, etc., offer vital corporate supports that enhance organizational core competencies and leave leadership free to pursue more significant corporate goals. In Schindelheim’s estimation, community colleges can become a training partner and provide ongoing training and upskilling activities, so individual businesses aren’t burdened with those tasks in addition to their core functions.

Further, the community college partnership provides more than one variety of service and benefit options, and most can tailor their training protocols to meet the needs of the company:

They offer existing programs and courses that reflect the depth and breadth of the skills needed in today’s industries. Most classes are adaptable to address both newly entered students’ needs and those seeking up-skilling and advanced training. From dental hygienists to welders, the community college course catalog reads like a ‘desired labor menu’ for today’s industrial sectors.

They extend classroom studies with work-based and experiential learning. Students learn not just how their labor contributes to the overarching production system but also precisely how to meet its exacting specifications.

They have the tools, labs, and other learning accouterments to provide a comprehensive training opportunity. Many companies would struggle to duplicate the full scope of training and education services that are available today on their local community college campus.

Not least important are the cost savings realized when a corporation out-sources its training requirements. Engaging a community college to do the training work means paying for teachers and materials, not labs, spaces, or other educational tools. The fact that the employer gains a well-trained, highly skilled workforce as a consequence adds even more value to the proposition.

  Think ‘Collaborate,’ Not ‘Confine’

In addition to facilitating the actual learning environment, today’s community colleges don’t limit their ‘corporate cohort’ choices to just the existing course catalog. They also embrace collaboration with company leadership, eliciting specific industry inputs, and seeking advice and guidance to ensure the education program produces the exact talent and skills needed.

Many community colleges engage locally located advisory boards and committees to weigh in on curricula, resources, and credentialing. Each committee member adds a unique perspective that informs both the group and the work that it does.

The committee data informs college leadership about industrial and sector demands so they can make better-informed decisions about how to invest its financial and human capital assets.

The committees also weigh in on continuing education needs, the emerging trend of ‘life-long learning.’ Unlike many traditional jobs that remain static in their activities, today’s and tomorrow’s jobs will be dynamic and continuously fluid to adapt to evolving industry standards and norms. Community colleges need these inputs to ensure their programs do not grow stale over time.

These forms of collaborative course- and program-building exercises ensure that the college has the best information possible to develop its facility and optimize its investments to benefit its students and their future employers. In short: today’s community colleges do more than just train workers; they develop workforces designed to meet the specific needs of the employer


Schindelheim has been reporting on business, finance, the economy, and more for years, so she’s seen many industrial evolutions come and go. She’s been watching the growth of ‘workforce development’ efforts and believes those are most beneficial when they offer local solutions to local problems. Yes, the pandemic is causing havoc in all sectors, but its ‘time out’ reality is also providing an opportunity to rethink how to best start up again. With the assistance and support of a local community college, Schindelheim believes every learner and every business can gain the assets they’ll need to prepare for whatever the post-COVID economy needs to get done.




Leading By Example: Verizon and its Quest for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Pasadena City College Economic and Workforce Development department (PCC EWD) was so proud to have Verizon as the sponsor of its 2nd annual Future of Work Conference, “Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Workforce Development;” (watch the rebroadcast here). The telecommunications giant sent two representatives, Jesus Roman, Verizon’s Associate General Counsel and VP of Government Affairs, and Dr. Erica Jacquez, its Executive Director External and Government Affairs, to share their wisdom and experience with the event’s many Zoom attendees. Not only are both of those contributors incredible leaders for inclusion and diversity in their own right, but so is the company for which they work. Read on …


Thought Leadership, the Verizon Way

Both Mr. Roman and Dr. Jacquez came to the conference bringing their years of civic leadership with them, having advised and contributed to policy development for both corporate and government entities. Their messages to the attendees shared Verizon’s intent to support and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of the communities in which it works and help every community achieve its highest levels of success, especially through its workforce development investments. The examples they gave were enlightening:


Verizon’s Commitment to Inclusive Connectivity

Mr. Roman noted that Verizon’s commitment to all communities flows through its efforts to advance wireless connectivity to every neighborhood that doesn’t yet have that resource. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the significance of that reality when it became apparent that thousands of local school children couldn’t attend virtual school because they didn’t have the necessary digital connections. Dr. Jasquez added that the fires and earthquakes also showed how remote communities suffer greater losses when first responders can’t connect to their resources. Verizon responded to these challenges by providing ‘hot spots’ in those remote or unconnected areas to facilitate the digital presence.



Verizon’s Commitment to Diversity

The company also leads through its diversity policies and practices. Its numbers tell that story:

Its workforce is demonstrably diversified across racial and gender lines, with almost 60% of all of its workers and 50% of its Board of Directors being female or people of color.

Verizon looks outward, too, in its inclusion strategy and has spent over $50 billion over ten years to ensure a diversified supply chain keeps its operations humming.

Not insignificantly, the company also mandates 100% pay equity: equal pay for equal work. The figure is notable, considering that the median salary differential for all women and all men, the ‘uncontrolled gender pay gap‘ regardless of the job performed, is $.81 for each woman against the $1 earned by each man. (Even when the position and qualifications are the same, a woman is still paid, on average, two cents less than a man.)


Verizon’s Commitment to Workforce Development

Verizon’s expansion into the 5G universe is also driving its commitment to workforce development to higher heights. Described by Mr. Roman as the ‘4th Industrial Revolution,’ 5G (5th generation) technology is about to transform the world, providing users with faster connections, more data transmission, and exponentially improved efficiencies. The technology will facilitate the implementation and usage of all the innovations emerging from the Internet of Things (IoT), ‘smart’ communities, and – especially critical – immersive education opportunities. The organization will need a well-trained workforce to manage that growth and the subsequent growth it will spur.

Dr. Jacquez shared that Verizon is already deeply invested in assisting small companies in maintaining and developing the workforce they need to be competitive. During the pandemic, the company financed hundreds of small business grants to offset small business losses and provided reduced cost ‘hotspot’ devices to ensure unconnected students gain access to the Internet so they could continue learning from home. She also indicated that the telecom agency continues to look for ways to support students who aren’t sure of the career direction they want to take.

Conference attendees learned a lot from the contributions of the Verizon leaders. A review of the company’s expansive practices and policies around diversity, inclusion, and just plain good business is also instructive.



The Verizon Responsible Business Plan: Citizen Verizon

Designed to deliver tangible results across three pillars, Digital Inclusion, Climate Protection, and Human Prosperity, Verizon launched this exciting new initiative in July of 2020. The company sees itself as a ‘citizen of the world’ and therefore assumes a responsibility for generating positive impacts on today’s most pressing social issues. Those high principles are evidenced by the actions it’s pledged to pursue in the coming years:

To provide digital skills education opportunities for 10 million youth while supporting one million small businesses in their quest to thrive in the digital economy;

To reduce its emissions, increase its renewable energy investments, and utilize carbon offsets to become carbon neutral by 2035, and

To facilitate the skills training needed to prepare 500,000 people by 2030 for the jobs of the future.


Digital Inclusion

The Digital Inclusion initiative builds on its successful “Verizon Innovative Learning’” program, which has already helped over half a million students learn better and faster through reliable digital networks and connections. The program also supports teachers by providing them with lesson plans, partner content, and webinars to enhance their curricula and presentations. Through the Digital Inclusion strategy, those teachers will now be eligible for new teacher training pathways that enhance digital skills and online learning practices.   

Verizon employs comparably exceptional services to rural communities and small businesses, too.


Climate Protection

A work already in progress, the company is on track to achieve its goal of being 50% powered by renewable resources by 2025, which is a stepping stone towards its ultimate goal of being 100% carbon neutral by 2035. This initiative began when Verizon became the first American telecom company to issue a ‘Green Bond,’ raising almost $1 billion for its investments in energy efficiency, green buildings, sustainable water management, and renewable energy.

The company also invests in reforestation efforts, which is particularly timely, given the recent forest fires that have burned across so much of the country.


Human Prosperity

Everyone does better when everyone is doing better, which requires dedicated investments in closing the opportunity gaps that exist throughout American society. In October, Verizon partnered with the non-profit Generation to do just that by expanding access by American workers to digital skills training. An online program, the reskilling program leads learners down career pathways towards full-time employment in the digital trades, including web development, cloud management, IT help desk technology, and marketing analysis, to name just a few. Offered free to the learner, the program is intended to generate 500,000 skilled workers by 2030.

The program is already running in the United Kingdom where it is placing its graduates into jobs within three months of their graduation.


Leading Economic Development Initiatives into the 21st Century

The Citizen Verizon program is just the latest step in the company’s trajectory toward responsible leadership on a global scale, and its focus on improving the planet and the lives of the people who inhabit it has not gone unnoticed.

This year, the company was recognized as a global leader by three notable, international industry thinktanks:

Forbes ranked it as a leader in the “New Era of Responsible Capitalism,” raising it to the 19th position on its “Just 100” List. The List has included Verizon in three of its four years in existence.

Barrons named Verizon one of its top “100 Sustainable Companies” for 2020, noting that shares in these green-minded enterprises averaged a return of 34.3% in 2019 (out-doing the S&P by 2.8%).

And even the U.S. Environment Protection Agency acknowledged it as a Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence in Energy Management for 2020, noting how its services help its millions of consumers to conserve energy and protect the environment.


To too many people, Verizon is ‘just’ a great cell phone service provider. The PCC EWD is proud to showcase for them the full depth and breadth of the company’s investments in supporting workforce development efforts in every community in its quest to build a strong workforce while also building the sustainable environment in which it will work.


Insights, Information, Inspiration: Lessons from Our ‘FoW’ Experts

The Panelists, keynotes, and sponsor speakers at Pasadena City College’s 2nd annual Future of Work Conference, “Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Workforce Development,” shared a host of perspectives, experiences, and insights about how work might get done as we move deeper into the 21st Century. While the conversation touched on many topics related to employment, jobs development, economic factors, and social realities, it was loosely directed toward exploring possible responses to three critical questions:

How do we manage COVID-19 concerns?

Are there ‘best practices’ for workforce development solutions?

How do diversity and inclusion affect today’s and tomorrow’s workforce, employment, and economic opportunities?

The panel discussion encompassed thoughts on these topics while adding nuance and perspective to each, based on the speaker and their role in the economic and workforce development community.

In addition to the panel discussion, our PCC Superintendent/President, sponsor’s representative, and two keynote speakers offered their insights about what employment, jobs, diversity, and workforce development mean for the economy of the community and country. Their inputs added extra color and depth to the overall day.


A Word from Our Superintendent/President

Dr. Erika Endrijonas

Lending her full support to Salvatrice Cummo, who spearheads PCC’s EWD initiatives, Dr. Erika Endrijonas is PCC’s leading champion for career and workforce development efforts, noting that California’s community colleges aim 50% of their effort toward economic and workforce development mandates. She also stated that, while unemployment is currently high and that many jobs won’t be coming back, she’s confident that new jobs will replace those lost and that the future’s more diverse and inclusive workforce will be able to drive everyone’s growing economic success.


A Word From Our Sponsor – Verizon

Jesus Roman, VP of Government Affairs & Community Engagement at Verizon

As a leader in a company engaged in, perhaps, the world’s predominant industry, telecommunications, Mr. Roman is very aware of the power of digital connectivity and its impact on the future of both the global economy and global workforce development efforts. He noted that the telecom giant is already deeply involved in projects that offer internet services to underserved populations.

He is also rightfully proud of Verizon’s admirable inclusive policies and practices, including ensuring pay equity across all its systems. Mr. Roman shared that the evolving 5G network brings with it significant opportunities not just for improved communications but also as a generator of jobs and careers. Verizon will be looking for qualified workers to deliver those new services to anyone who needs them.


Our First Keynote Speaker

Josh Davies, CEO – Center for Work Ethic Development

Our first keynote speaker immediately engaged everyone with his distillation of how 2020 has disrupted traditional occupational expectations:

It has probably permanently eliminated many jobs (he suggests as many as 42% of previous employment options will not be coming back).

It’s causing us to redefine ’employment,’ with many companies shifting away from a full-time workforce to part-time and ‘gig’ workers.

The biggest economic power brokers are getting bigger, so an ever-decreasing number of people are gaining ever-increasing levels of ownership and control of global resources.

These three factors are causing significant disruptions in the country’s four-year education systems.


He also suggests ways for educators to prepare their learners for future opportunities:

Stop training for repetitive jobs, which are being assumed by automated machines.

Provide training that develops ‘high-touch’ skills: those human capabilities to think critically and solve problems.

Evolve apprenticeships beyond the trades, and diversify the apprentice pool to include more women.

Generate workforce assets based on skills, not degrees. Skills are applicable in many jobs; degrees, not so much.

Make life-long learning the norm. Every job evolves, so educators must offer upskilling and extended training to ensure the opportunity to achieve better economic growth.


Our Second Keynote Speaker

Sheneui Weber, Vice-Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

Ms. Weber discussed how the COVID-19 lockdown disrupted so many lives, especially for those students who didn’t have an online learning option, either because of connectivity issues or other significant social factors that prevented continuing studies after campuses closed. She also noted other pre-existing factors that exacerbated the problems:

The coronavirus revealed the gaps and holes that currently exist in community social safety nets, including how higher ed systems have largely left out adult learners as well as other underserved populations.

Other gaps are caused by how businesses and corporate capitalization systems are currently structured and how those structures reduce people’s value while elevating the value of money.

Financial systems also contribute to some underserved populations’ inability to access educational resources, and

the digital divide continues to grow wider.


However, according to Ms. Weber, the State of California is taking steps to mitigate these concerns by:

developing a Racial Equity Task Force to address these concerns.

looking for resources to build businesses that are ‘social enterprises,‘ combining the passion and compassion found in non-profit work with the drive for economic success found in the for-profit sector.

And she emphasizes the importance of digital competence to economic growth, urging listeners to look closely at and seek solutions for the digital disparities that occur in their communities.

She concluded by encouraging all attendees to make the most of COVID’s disruptive capacity to address and alleviate the challenges it revealed.


The Panel Discussion

Our panelists offered a broad scope of ideas, suggestions, and factual realities regarding economic and workforce efforts, based on their careers and their work. It was a lively and enlightening discussion.


From A Government Perspective

Reg Javier, CA Employment Training Panel (ETA)

Regarding the virus, Mr. Javier noted that virus concerns brought an unexpected bonus that his agency will build upon: the ‘virtual meeting participation’ opportunity led to higher attendance at agency meetings than before, opening an engagement option he intends to pursue. On the downside, while the ETA has been swamped with requests for funds for covid-related training, it’s also struggled with how to allocate those resources. Does it cover costs to keep workers’ employed’ for now? Or is it better to fund opportunities for future jobs when they become available?

Regarding workforce development, Mr. Javier discussed how some populations aren’t ready yet for ‘career training’ because they don’t have the underlying skills needed to succeed in that educational endeavor. When it arose earlier in his career, his solution for that problem was to develop a talent pipeline that began at a much earlier academic stage, at the middle or high school level. Introducing potential job and career opportunities at this age lets kids know what’s available, contemplate what choices they might make, and plan to achieve those foundational skills, so they are ready to tackle their actual job training program.


From a Corporate Perspective

Erica Jacques, Executive Director of External and Government Affairs at Verizon

The COVID pandemic ‘changed things’ for Verizon. As it emerged, the company focused its outreach efforts by providing micro-grants to small businesses to help them survive the closures and sales slumps. It then also pivoted to providing resources and support to communities affected by the co-occurring wildfires and earthquakes.

During the year, one thing became abundantly clear: the lack of reliable connectivity negatively affected too many people as they worked to cope with their particular situation. Verizon provided more than one response to that concern by offering community partners ‘hot spots’ so locals could access the Internet from where they were. These ‘locals’ included both the first responders working in remote locations where the need was greatest, as well as the one-in-five students with no home-based internet services. The company worked hard to provide as many services as possible to help mitigate these problems and move toward solutions.

Looking forward, she noted that many young people are not following a traditional college or trade path, and she’s concerned about helping them, too.


Clayton Pryor, Director of Workforce Development, Advocate Aurora Health (AAH)

The health sector was impacted in numerous ways by the COVID-19 pandemic, and AAH made many accommodations to respond to the needs of both its patients and staff. The crisis accelerated the company’s use of emerging IT to remain connected while also informing it about IT=related skills and abilities it will need in its future workforce.

Those factors will influence the work AAH is already doing to develop its incoming workers’ skill base. It is creating pipelines of middle and entry-level healthcare jobs by building partnerships with both businesses and technology schools, with an emphasis on the clinical side of the industry. It’s also providing micro-grants to community healthcare businesses that can provide training on that clinical side.

Mr. Pryor also noted the need to provide pre-career-prep education opportunities. He sees many benefits in taking a multipronged approach to that problem:

COVID revealed opportunities to innovate how people access learning.

Collaboration among schools, businesses, and industries will benefit all three plus the students they support.

He further emphasized the need for both industry and business leaders to keep the schools informed about what their needs are going to be.


Donald Bradburn, Director of Workforce Planning and Development, Kaiser Permanente

Regarding diversity and inclusion, Mr. Bradburn discussed KP’s intentional efforts to ensure all aspects of its business are actively engaged in welcoming the talents and skills of all potential workers, including those of their partners and third-party contractors. He noted a particular strategy that connects workers newly released from detention with healthcare facility construction projects. The healthcare giant also requires its partners and community members to build in apprenticeships wherever possible. And not insignificantly, KP has just opened its new medical school to expand the diversity of the professional healthcare population. It also reduced the cost of that education to eliminate cost as a barrier and facilitate access to an even broader scope of potential future doctors, nurses, etc.

Kaiser is also looking at other ways to improve its business by improving the lives of its workers and customers:

It’s revising how it views its current work staff, with an eye to upskill already valuable employees. For example, the unsung housekeeping staff is also the front-line infection control team. The company considered how those skills build in a logical progression into sterile processing, which, in turn, builds into the next level of corporate infection controls. By continually moving people up, Kaiser retains its valued worker, building loyalty and skills along the way.

Technology also offered the opportunity to expand existing worker skills. Many of the KP patients weren’t particularly adept at connecting through their devices. KP trained its front-end staff to work with those patients to improve their technology skills so they could better access their health care services.

And, the company is moving forward with its ‘drive through lab’ experiment, which would speed services while also (hopefully) reduce the risks that arise in crowded waiting rooms. That project is in the pilot stage, as they contemplate how to ensure sterility while performing ‘car side’ injections and other services.


From a Policy Shaper Perspective

Tamar Jacoby, CEO – Opportunity America

Ms. Jacoby believes that COVID accelerated the demand to define and construct the ‘future of work’ so its innovations are available today, not tomorrow. She suggests that community colleges should look at themselves as the focal point for the future of career education and begin establishing their ‘ownership’ of the concept and the space. To emphasize her point, she notes that ‘career tech’ graduates can earn a very good living (up to $100,000 per year) and that publicizing that fact would attract more potential students.

She also asserts that the development of ‘soft skills,’ most notably, teaching the critical thinking skills necessary for solving problems, should be embedded in all career tech education programs. And she believes that more diversity in all programs, especially apprenticeship programs, would be an excellent development. Hurdles to overcome on that trajectory include lack of access to learning opportunities and existing teaching strategies that don’t accommodate many of life’s realities, such as needing to work full time or care for one’s family.

Ms. Jacoby noted that Opportunity America addresses these concerns and offers possible solutions in its recent 2020 study, “The Indispensable Institution: Reimagining Community College.


Dr. Darlene Miller, National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE)

Ms. Miller’s thought is that conversations about equity must also include adult students, whose needs are often overlooked in favor of younger learners. Many of them also are lower-skilled, either because of social circumstances or perhaps because of their immigration status. Many working adults lack fundamental literacy and numeracy skills in addition to lacking digital tools. They, too, need the same types of remedial interventions to access career training opportunities.

However, according to research, older workers often experience the same barriers as younger students, including the inability to attend traditionally scheduled classes, class unavailability in general, and challenges with obtaining the funding and transportation resources needed to attend school.

Dr. Miller encourages community colleges to consider building new pathways that address and overcome these barriers.


Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza, Social Justice Learning Institute

Dr. Scorza agreed that many of his constituents also suffer because they don’t have the fundamental skills needed even to begin a career training program. Accordingly, the SJLI provides training and soft-skill-building programs to teach these necessary skills to the economically challenged youth in its communities. He says they start ‘where the student is’ and funnel their learners through the fundamentals and into the pipelines that will eventually feed the community colleges with learners ready to learn.

Dr. Scorza notes that the SJLI enjoys collaborative partnerships with several local universities that support these and other critical social programs. Those schools have programs that aim at assisting these populations into the career path pipelines, such as Paths-Up, UofC’s Early Academic Outreach Program, and the Upward Bound Program offered by the U.S. Department of Education. He adds that the University of California at Riverside also launched a medical school designed specifically to train ethnically diverse health care professionals. More students need to know about these options, he says, and the training they need to qualify for them.

Also crucial to this work, he notes, are the businesses and business associations that can structure their activities to meet these needs. The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation is just one example.


The Wrap Up


The event co-moderators also offered some significant insights. Co-host Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-in-Chief of WorkingNation, encouraged everyone to look at 2020 as a teaching tool. “We’ve been here before,” she says,  “and we can move forward.” Co-Host Salvatrice Cummo, Executive Director of PCC’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development department, encouraged panelists and audience members to look carefully at their sector to determine who’s being left out? Who is included? How can we address inequality while also rebuilding our economy?

Other suggestions for possible next steps included:

Redefining certifications by skill sets, not by program titles.

Being open to developing new ways to teach existing and emerging skill sets. Technology skills will be critical, and those apply in many job settings.

Recognizing the ‘currency’ value of a degree and use that mindset to define a new ‘currency’ title for skill sets that transfer across several occupations.

Broadening the scope to include learners of all ages and from all locations. Rural communities are often overlooked but have the same needs and assets as any other community.


The FOW Conference was successful on many fronts:

It’s digital Zoom platform performed flawlessly, eliminating the health and transport challenges that would have prevented the gathering and kept attendees away.

Its subject matter was timely and necessary. Everyone is affected by an economy, so the performance of a community’s workforce affects every member of that community – local, regional, national, and global.

The expert analysis and optimistic perspectives of its participants provide guidance, leadership, and hope, providing listeners with strategies to move forward and tools they can use to make a difference where they share their expertise and influence.

Ms. Cummo summed it up nicely: “As we gain control over the pandemic and look to the future, we must use our workforce development strategies to attain our ultimate goal: achieving recovery with equity, and through a lens of optimism.”




PCC’s Diversity and Workforce Development Conference: Our Outstanding Participants

Attendees at PCC’s second annual (first virtual) Future of Work Conference, “Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Workforce Development,” were well rewarded for their time.  Its panelists, moderators, and keynote speakers shared the profound insights and wisdom they’ve gained across decades of experience in their government, corporate, and thought leadership sectors.

Streaming seamlessly through a Zoom portal, listeners heard about how America’s workforce faces numerous challenges, including those posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a suppressed economy, a suppressing economy, and a myriad of long-standing, as-yet-unaddressed social concerns. They also learned about how America’s businesses, industries, and educational sectors can pivot to harness the lessons taught by the pandemic to produce the enlightened, innovative, and inclusive educational and workforce development programs that will power the 21st Century economy.

Most importantly, perhaps, they also felt a sense of:

relief that long-ignored problems are finally getting the attention they deserve;

gratitude that so many intelligent and compassionate people are working on these issues, and

optimism that the future is brighter than they knew.


Here’s the list of who was speaking and where they are bringing their expertise and influence:


Our Moderators

Salvatrice Cummo

Executive Director – Pasadena City College Office of Economic and Workforce Development

Ms. Cummo brings years of commercial, entrepreneurial, and big and small business experience to her role as Director of the Economic and Workforce Development department at Pasadena City College (PCC EWD). She builds on the many ‘business development best practice’ strategies she’s developed to engage both PCC’s teaching faculty and its neighboring businesses and industries in her efforts to strengthen the regional and local economies.

Within the EWD, she’s instituted four foundational ‘pillars’ that each encompass one of the defining aspects of the department’s work: The Small Business Development Center, Workforce Training, Work-based Learning, and the Robert G. Freeman Center for Career and Completion.


Ramona Schindelheim

Editor-in-Chief, Working Nation

Founded in 2016 to bring attention to the country’s looming unemployment crisis, the non-profit WorkingNation presents solutions to unemployment and economic disparity concerns as stories to inspire change. In her role as Editor-in-Chief, the multi-award-winning Ms. Schindelheim leads by example after a long career as a writer, producer, and executive in journalism (The Wall Street Journal, among others) and broadcast media (Power Lunch, Conversations with Michael Eisner, among others).

Looking forward, she emphasizes highlighting ‘skills’ as the definer of worker competency and urges job seekers to refine their skills as they look for their next employment opportunity.


Representing Pasadena City College

Dr. Erica Endrijonas, Ph.D.

Superintendent-President, Pasadena City College

After many years of leadership in the Los Angeles Valley community college system, Dr. Endrijonas joined PCC in early 2019 as its 16th Superintendent/President. In addition to her roles as Executive Vice President and Dean at Oxnard College (in the Ventura County Community College District) and at Santa Barbara City College, respectively, she’s also contributed significantly to the Boards of the Community College boards of the Chief Instructional Officers, the Chief Student Services Officers, the Association for Occupational Education, and the Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA), among others.

Her comprehensive understanding of the many facets of career and workforce development practices as those play out in schools, businesses, and industries, make Dr. Endrijonas eminently qualified to oversee those efforts at Pasadena City College.



Representing Our Sponsor

Jesus Roman

Associate General Counsel & VP of Government Affairs & Community Engagement at Verizon

Verizon was a natural fit to sponsor this conversation. Its deep and broad investments in its ‘V Team’ workforce development practices both in and outside its corporate perimeter demonstrate its commitment to improving the lives of its workers. It also works to improve the communities in which they live and raise their families.

One of two sponsor representatives (see also Erica Jacquez, below), Mr. Roman shares his employer’s passion for investing time and money in workforce development initiatives, noting that it’s the qualified workforce that’s propelled Verizon to its current position at the top of the telecommunications industry. His message that the company will require a highly-skilled workforce to implement and manage its emerging 5G capacities is a call to action for students and colleges alike.


Our First Keynote Speaker

Josh Davies

CEO – Center for Work Ethic Development

Noted as one of Denver’s ’40 Under 40′ for his nationally recognized (top 10) training skills, Mr. Davies has been engaging and enhancing workforce skills in numerous industries for years. As the former President of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers (CHART) and a former board member for the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals, his experience spans all levels of workforce capacities, from front-line hotel operations to the development of national workforce development policies.

For us, he shared his enthusiasm and insights about where our current workforce practices are insufficient and provided innovative suggestions for improving them.


Our Panelists

Our panelists brought decades of knowledge, wisdom, and experience to the Conference, from government, corporate, and thought leadership sectors. Their insights about and plans for the future guide their respective agencies into the new world of how work gets done.


Reg Javier

Executive Director, CA Employment Training Panel (ETP)

Over twenty-five years with the California Employment Development Department, the San Diego Workforce Partnership, and the Workforce Investment Board, Mr. Javier has always worked at the nexus of workforce and economic development and higher education. In his role at the Employment Training Panel, he coordinates business, union, and government representatives’ efforts as they provide funding to help the region’s employers train and upskill their employees.

Most recently, the ETP awarded $8 million to fund 28 contracts that will train 6300 workers, 100 of whom are e ployed in the hard-hit manufacturing industry.



Dr. Erica Jacquez

Executive Director of External and Government Affairs at Verizon

An accomplished government relations expert, Dr. Jacquez spent 20+ years assisting governments, non-profits, and corporations to develop creative solutions to pressing healthcare, education, energy, and environmental concerns (among many, many others).

As the Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement Liaison at the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, her in-depth government knowledge and exceptional communication skills ensured the accuracy and integrity of President Barack Obama’s Statements of Administrative policies.


Clayton Pryor

Director of Workforce Development, Advocate Aurora Health (AAH)

Coming from a hospitality and HR background, Mr. Pryor brings 12+ years of workforce development leadership to his current role at AAH. Covering all aspects of workforce program design, development, and implementation, he is well-practiced in turning eager learners into confident, competent professionals.

Since 2015, Mr. Pryor has been leading Aurora Health’s efforts to develop pipelines of middle-skills candidates to fill that demand for the Healthcare company’s needs. He oversees Aurora’s college and university partnerships and its internships and educational assistance programs.


Donald Bradburn

Director of Workforce Planning and Development, Kaiser Permanente

An HR professional for many years, Mr. Bradburn built his leadership capacities in workforce development over many years in civic government, directing the management and development of HR resources for the County of San Diego, City of Indio, and the County of Riverside, most recently as its Executive Director of Administration. As a U.S. Army veteran, he’s also well versed in managing complex and diverse populations, and his multi-linguistic skills enhance his communication abilities across multiple KP communities.

This is Mr. Bradburn’s second year bringing his wealth of knowledge to PCC’s FoW Conference.


Policy Shapers

Tamar Jacoby

CEO – Opportunity America

Opportunity America, a Washington D.C. think tank, focuses on restoring economic mobility opportunities to millions of poor and working Americans. Its work influences policy at the highest levels, and its perspective on the value of the nation’s community colleges resonates across the country.

Ms. Jacoby’s insights and comments are honed by years of journalism excellence, as Justice Editor at Newsweek, a featured writer for many of America’s premier newspapers, and as a highly respected author.


Dr. Darlene Miller

Executive Director, National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE)

Her long career with innovative economic and workforce development programs in community colleges makes Dr. Miller the perfect leader for this group. The NCWE offers resources and support to help community colleges enhance their local economies by improving their student’s opportunities for economic success.

In her leadership role at the NCWE, Dr. Miller contributes to and advises several national initiatives, including serving as Lead Faculty for the agency’s New Workforce Professionals Academy, and the Ford and Annie E. Casey Foundations Programs’ “Building Community Partnerships to Serve Immigrant Workers” (BCPIW) initiative, among many, many others.


Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza

Social Justice Learning Institute (SJLI)

Dr. Scorza brought the full scope of his extensive education back home to improve the future of the youth growing up in his childhood community of Inglewood, California. Beginning with his Black Male Youth Academy, which aimed critical literacy services at African American males to enhance their academic advancement, he expanded his efforts to establish Veteran’s services at UC Campuses, and secure $90 million to support Inglewood school construction projects.

As its founder, Dr. Scorza’s SJLI uses education to empower communities of color to create thriving economies in safe neighborhoods and change the systems that present only barriers. He launched the agency to ensure all its constituents have the resources they need to achieve their goals, partnering with food distributors, neighborhood associations, and schools to open doors and opportunities.


Our Closing Keynote Speaker

Sheneui Weber

Vice-Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)

Working in the education and training sectors for more than 25 years, Ms. Weber brings needed leadership skills to assist the CCCCO’s 19 colleges in serving their 2.1 million students. Her career focus is on developing entrepreneurial growth, and she’s launched several multi-million dollar projects across the Southern California region.

Ms. Weber provides leadership and guidance to numerous schools, industries, and businesses on workforce and economic development strategies, best practices, and operations. She’s also served as Director for the Software Engineering Forum for Training (SEFT), training software engineers of major aerospace companies, and for the On-Site Implementation team for the Southwestern Division of Adecco Group North America, a Global Fortune 500 company.


Pasadena City College is honored to facilitate for its constituents – students, faculty, business partners, and industrial community – the insights flowing from the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience embodied in this amazing cadre of speakers. Thank you, Panelists, keynotes, and sponsors, for sharing with us, and thanks to our audience for joining us in this critically important conversation.

The Future of Work: Meeting the High Demand for Upskilling and Training

COVID-19 has caused innumerable headaches, forcing millions of workers into unemployment and shutting the doors of thousands of companies. However, it’s also driven the development of new technologies and workforce strategies as technological adaptations facilitate the ‘work from home’ necessity.

Industry leaders are now talking about how the pandemic has already changed the forecast for the future of work. Once that menace is contained, and with the right tools and partnerships in place, most organizations should be able to pick up (most of) the pieces of their enterprise and resume operations, although they’ll need a better trained, upskilled staff.

Skills Gaps Widen During COVID-19 Pandemic

Even before the pandemic, global leaders were eying the necessity of upskilling their workforce. In 2019, the International Labor Organization Global Commission on the Future of Work declared that then-current skillsets would not be sufficient to fill the roles and jobs of the future. Worse, the group suggested that even newly acquired 2020 skills may become obsolete, considering the speed at which the global community is transforming.

Instead, the Commission called on the world’s governments, employers, and workers to embrace and engage in ‘life-long learning strategies,’ recognizing that almost every job will require workers to receive ongoing education to maintain competency. Amazon elected to invest $700 million in retraining support for up to 100,000 workers, and PwC (formerly Price Waterhouse Coopers) pledged $3 billion for the purpose.

Note, too, that these decisions occurred pre-COVID when there weren’t millions out of work. During and after the pandemic, thousands of displaced workers will also be looking for training, upskilling, and new skills acquisitioning. Thousands of employers will need workers who are prepared and able to take on the post-pandemic challenges. The COVID-19 crisis appears to have accelerated that push for enhanced training opportunities.


Skills Gaps Span Industries and Sectors

The demand for upskilling options is higher in some industries than in others, based on the nature of the work. Especially these days, technology is changing how many industries operate, and workers are more than just laborers. Often, their knowledge of the product or service they’re generating is dependent on their equal comprehension of the technologies they use during production.

The manufacturing sector provides a good example. Early this year (pre-pandemic), manufacturing companies had already budgeted $26 billion to cover upskilling and retraining costs so that both existing and new hires had the abilities needed to do the work. According to a study done by the Manufacturing Institute, 70% of manufacturers were expanding existing or creating new training systems. Three-quarters (75%) of respondents reported that their upskilling efforts improved employee morale, improved production values, and even aided in promotion initiatives.

Further, in a review of nine quarters reported by the National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, 80% of manufacturers admitted to struggling to find the workers they needed to fill existing openings. That challenge will worsen, too, if data provided by Deloitte is any indication. Between worker retirements and natural industry growth, the manufacturing sector should add as many as 4.6 million jobs between 2018 and 2028. However, if the persistent skills shortage remains, only 2.2 million of those will be filled.

The impact on the manufacturing industry would be significant:

Without the workers to do the job, production levels will decline and

up to $454 billion in potential revenues would disappear.

That $454 billion represents as much as 17% of America’s forecasted GDP for 2028.

Other industries will have different numbers than the manufacturing sector, but the point is the same: Too many companies need workers with better skills, and not enough workers have the training right now to fill those positions.


Pasadena City College: Building Tomorrow’s Talent Pipeline

The labor demand situation is creating a challenge for all sectors. After the pandemic subsides (and it will subside), newly reopened businesses will have to reinvent themselves to reflect that post-pandemic ‘normal.’ And they’ll need a workforce trained with appropriate, post-pandemic skills to retake their share of the market. Unfortunately, not all organizations have several billion dollars available for workforce training investments, so how will they address and surmount this concern?

In the San Gabriel Valley, they should partner with Pasadena City College (PCC) to not only find current training opportunities for their organization but also to share their perspective of what they’ll need from new training opportunities in the future.

PCC’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWD) aims to connect and build the resources of the school, its students, and its industrial community toward a more robust economy. To accomplish this effort, PCC reaches out to numerous entities to collaborate with and to coordinate industry and workforce-related initiatives.

Our work is mandated by the State of California, which has tasked its community colleges with developing the well-trained human resource population envisioned in its “Strong Workforce Program.”  Not only do we regularly engage with our fellow community colleges, but we also engage regularly with government agencies and industry regulators so we can base decisions on the most current best practices and policies.

The PCC EWD leadership team actively participates with the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, providing unique PCC insights to local and regional policy and project developments.

We routinely invite local and regional businesses to partner with us by sitting on our advisory panels to provide their input into program and curricula development. And, when those businesses are looking for assistance training their own workforce, we can provide contract training designed and delivered precisely to meet their needs.

Also included in the EWD are departments dedicated to ensuring student success in career and job placements and to directly connect students to work-based learning opportunities to enhance their classroom activities.


The Robert G. Freeman Career Center (Freeman Center)

One of the pillars of the EWD is the Robert G. Freeman Career Center. The Freeman Center is the hub of our student’s career and job development activities.

This bustling enterprise provides career and job counseling, course and program guidance, informational resources, and more to help students find the work they want. From resume development to mock interviews to job fairs, PCC students looking to find work in their chosen fields can start and continue that search with the help of Career Center professionals.

The Freeman Center is also the home of our many Career Fairs. We invite our local and regional businesses to participate in these events, display their good work, share their insights with both faculty and students, and provide students with an overview of what working for the company might entail.

For those companies that need employable workers to fill open positions, the Freeman Center acts as a job-posting hub for PCC students. Jobs posted here are readily available to any PCC student who’s looking for employment.

Work-based Learning Opportunities

Another pillar of the EWD is the office of Work-based Learning (WBL) which coordinates the connections that facilitate our students’ work-based learning opportunities, including internships, apprenticeships, and more. These arrangements are win-win: the student gets exposure to hands-on learning, and the business receives a curious and engaged worker to fulfill company demands.

Internships are very beneficial, giving the student job-related experience and the employer a will and able laborer. Internships can be both paid or unpaid, and, in some cases, students are also eligible to receive course credits for their internship efforts.

In some cases, the work-based learning opportunity matures into a full-time position, assuring the boss that the newly minted employee has the exact right skills for the job.

Industry site visits are also beneficial for learners looking to experience the real world while still in school. Companies that open their doors to these events enjoy face-to-face engagement with potential hires and can help PCC students understand their operations’ nuances and subtlety.

Mentorships and job shadows also provide learners and business owners with an enjoyable and productive experience.


PCC’s EWD is Training Tomorrow’s Workforce

PCC is already training its students to fill the jobs that are available today. By engaging our local and regional business leaders in our program development process, the EWD department can use their immense library of expertise and experience to train students for tomorrow’s jobs, too. And according to the statistics, there are going to be a lot of new jobs available.

Want to learn more? Join our “Future of Work Virtual Conference,” Thursday, November 12 from 9 till 11 am. Our panel of industry experts will discuss how the working world is evolving for workers, employers, industries, and communities.



PCC’s Future of Work Conference – Why You Can’t Miss It

Making sense of the ‘future of work’ discussion requires a focus on whole industries and industrial sectors as well as on the mom-and-pop businesses down the street. Today’s corporate leaders must navigate the intricacies of both if they intend to master their daily production goals and improve or grow their market share. Regardless of its size, however, no organization will master anything if it doesn’t have the trained and operational workforce it needs to thrive.

That reality is why Pasadena City College (PCC) is presenting its second annual Future of Work Conference on Thursday, November 12, from 9 to 11 am. This year, because of COVID-19, the Conference is virtual (just click on this link to register), so attendance requires nothing more than registering, then settling down with a good cup of coffee in your favorite comfy chair.

Regardless of its ‘virtual’ status, our presentation’s quality will exceed even last year’s high bar. This year we’ve pulled in more than a dozen industry, education, and government experts to talk about how they envision the ‘future of work,’ both because of and despite the coronavirus.

Here are the experts weighing in on this critically important topic:


Our Co-Hosts are:

Salvatrice Cummo, Executive Director, Pasadena City College Economic and Workforce Development.

Salvatrice brings years of commercial, entrepreneurial, and big and small business experience to her role as Director of the Economic and Workforce Development department at Pasadena City College (PCC EWD). She builds on the many ‘business development best practice’ strategies she’s developed to engage both PCC’s teaching faculty and its neighboring businesses and industries in efforts to strengthen the regional and local economies. Her long-range vision sees PCC as the San Gabriel Valley’s premier workforce developer, trainer, and supplier, providing the regional business and industrial community with the highly skilled workers it needs to grow and thrive.

Ramona Schindelheim, Editor-in-Chief, Working Nation

As a journalist, Ms. Schindelheim covered the business impacts of 9/11, the Enron scandal, and the collapse of the housing market. As an executive producer, you’ve seen her work on Power Lunch and Conversations with Michael Eisner (and many other ABC and CNBC productions). She has two Emmy’s, two Peabody’s, and two Golden Mics for investigative journalism. Need we say more?



A welcoming by our President:

Dr. Erika EndrijonasPresident/Superintendent, Pasadena City College

Dr. Endrijonas has been providing guidance and insights to LA’s community colleges for more than 20 years. Prior to assuming individual college leadership roles, she served on several state-wide California Community College boards, including those of the Chief Instructional Officers, the Chief Student Services Officers, and the Association for Occupational Education. Her passion for football underscores her appreciation for teamwork and collaboration.



Speaking for our Sponsor is:

Jesus Roman, Associate General Counsel and VP of Government Affairs, Verizon

For 17 years, Mr. Roman has been developing policy positions and legislative strategies to facilitate Verizon’s opportunities to grow, innovate, and enhance wired and wireless services across 13 western states. He works at the nexus of communications innovation, business strategy, and government regulation.



Our Keynote Speaker is:

Josh Davies, CEO, Center for Work Ethic Development

More than 20 years of globally based workforce training and consulting have honed Mr. Davies’ appreciation of highly skilled, talented, and productive workers. Named one of America’s Top Ten Trainers by Training Magazine, Mr. Davies will share his knowledge of inspiring the best effort from virtually every employee.



Sitting on our Panel are:

(This is where it will all come down. These voices bring perspectives from industry, government, and educational institutions to discuss how our economic communities will build, grow, and thrive in the next 10 to 20 years.) 


Industry Representatives



Healthcare initiatives are advancing fast as the sector continues to add more technical features to the broader spectrum of the healthcare delivery system. Accordingly, budgets within the industry are expected to grow by 10% by 2030, adding enhanced care options delivered by a highly educated workforce.

Donald Bradburn, Regional Director of Workforce Planning and Development, Kaiser Permanente

As a long-time human resource professional, Mr. Bradburn brings deep insights into managing workforces, balancing risks with innovation, and the high value of communications in evolving employment landscapes.

Clayton Pryor, Director, Workforce Development, Advocate Aurora Health

Mr. Pryor leads strategy development and operations in his workforce development efforts. His focus is on creating a pipeline of well-prepared candidates for the middle-skill roles demanded by Advocate Aurora Health. He works with universities and colleges to develop partnerships, internships, and educational assistance programs.



The manufacturing sector expects to add up to 4.6 million new jobs by 2028, but the current workforce supply generators will provide only 2.2 million workers to fill them.

Philip June, Director of Engineering, Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA)

Engineering Design Center in Southern California and Leader for Boeing Global Services’ Commercial Modifications and Conversions Engineering Team

If you have questions about how engineering impacts design in workforce development as well as in airplane manufacturing, Mr. June has your answers. With more than a decade in Engineering Leadership for one of the world’s premier airplane manufacturers, Mr. June knows what it means to launch and land a successful workforce initiative.



The COVID-19 pandemic has blown up the telecom industry as every entity reaches for technology over face-to-face encounters to facilitate communications. As 5G architectures and cloud computing ease the communications channel even more, experts anticipate the telecom market to push past $2.5 trillion by 2030.

Dr. Erica Jacquez, Executive Director of External and Government Affairs, Verizon

Dr. Jacquez’s expertise spans several social and economic sectors, including public affairs, education, natural resources, and government relations, to name just a few. Her perspectives on the future of work at a local, regional, and national level will certainly be complex, diverse, and fascinating.


Education Representatives:

Tamar Jacoby, President and CEO, Opportunity America

A former Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and a long-time journalist, Ms. Jacoby’s work on promoting economic mobility for poor and working Americans has been published by the New York Times and the Washington Post, among others. She will share her insights about America’s immigrant struggles, their efforts to pursue the American dream, and the barriers they experience in that effort.

Dr. Darlene Miller, Executive Director, National Council for Workforce Education

After 20 years of innovating economic and workforce development programs for several American community colleges, Dr. Miller has spent the past ten years sharing her wisdom with the community college sector as a whole. With her inputs, schools across the country enhance student success through excellence in education and training.

D’Artagnan Scorza, Ph.D., Executive Director/Founder at the Social Justice Learning Institute

A long-time advocate for African-American and Latino youth, this U.S. Navy Iraq War Veteran launched the SJLI to empower all communities of color to change their lives and the lives around them through education. The agency partners with JPMorgan Chase, the City of Houston, and the Sacramento City Unified School District to support stakeholder engagement in education, public utility, land use, water, and other positive social initiatives.


Our Government Representative

Reg Javier, Executive Director, California Employment Training Panel

Mr. Javier has been effective in workforce development programs for more than 15 years, providing leadership and guidance for both San Diego and San Bernardino Counties, as well as many other private clients. At the ETP, he coordinates workforce funding distributions to thousands of California businesses, so he knows a thing or two about workforce investment and strategy.


Providing insights from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office is:

Sheneui Weber, Vice-Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

A long-time voice for small businesses, Ms. Weber acted as the Executive Director of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program for Long Beach Community College District and the Chief Operating Officer for College Advancement and Economic Development before stepping into her role as Vice-Chancellor. Her work includes numerous million-dollar projects as well as innovative leadership of the Los Angeles Region Small Business Development Center Network.


Sign up now

This line-up of stellar workforce development innovators and leaders promises a rousing and enlightened conversation that will impact the speakers, industry leaders, and attendees alike. You won’t want to miss it. Register now.