California’s Employment Laws are Changing in 2025

Three elements are fundamental to the overarching concept of ‘workforce development’: the employer, the employee, and the employment itself. Numerous sets of rules and regulations govern the activities of each separate element, and some cover aspects of all three. These rule sets are established by the company, the industry, and the government, each of which has its own mandate as to why things must be done in those prescribed ways. Rules set by governments – laws – apply to all relevant entities within their jurisdictions, and those regulations are designed primarily to keep the applicable person/organization and their/its community safe from harm:  

  • Laws mandating safety practices keep workers, their bosses, and their customers safe.
  • Laws governing wages, time off, social insurance, etc., ensure that most workers have the time and money needed to achieve their daily and long-term goals.
  • Laws governing workspaces and facilities ensure that anyone entering them will be safe, regardless of their reason for being there.

As times change and industries and societies shift, the workspace rules also change. In 2025, California’s workers, employers, and industries will be managing some significant changes in the way they work and how their workplace is managed.


New Laws Impact 2025 EWD Efforts

For Employers:

Employers will have some adjusting to do to get in compliance with incoming 2025 California legislation, with several new mandates coming into force. These few are notable:

  • The State’s minimum wage (MW) is rising to $16.50 per hour across the board while some cities and regions are moving it even higher. In San Diego, workers will now be earning $17.25 per hour; in San Jose, that value rises to $17.95. Note also that a separate initiative, Proposition 32, sought to raise the MW to $17.00 per hour in companies with 25 or fewer employees and to $18.00 in organizations with 26 or more workers. While that effort failed, the vote was split at 50.8% against and 49.2% in favor, suggesting that the opportunity might arise again.
  • New causes of action for harassment can arise when two or more offensive or discriminatory behaviors occur at the same time. The new term is ‘intersectionality,’ as that is defined in Senate Bill (SB) 1137, Civil Code section 51, and Government Code section 12926, and it refers to when a person experiences biased behavior based on two or more forms of harassment. A Hispanic man, for example, might have claims rising from harassment based on both his ethnicity (Hispanic) and his gender (male).
  • “Captive Audience” meetings are now banned in all California workplaces, too. These gatherings became ‘mandatory attendance’ by corporate decree when certain topics were on the table, specifically politics, union representation, and religious beliefs. The new “California Worker Freedom from Employer Intimidation Act” (SB-399) prohibits employers from requiring employees to attend meetings that push particular political or religious perspectives or that discourage unionization discussions. Retaliating against workers who refuse to attend these meetings is also now legislatively banned, and any employee choosing to work instead of participating in the chats must be paid their ‘normal rate of compensation.’   


For Employees     

Workers will also have new circumstances to navigate in the new year:

  • Workers who need access to Paid Sick Leave benefits will have them expanded to cover absences caused by “qualifying acts of violence” (QAV). SB 616 covers QAVs suffered by both the worker and their victimized family members and includes injuries and trauma caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking behaviors, and other acts that threaten or cause bodily harm to an individual. SB 616 and its partner Assembly Bill 2499 (AB 2499) modify Government Code section 12945.8 to ensure that employers with 25 or more workers provide the time off workers need to recover from their injuries and that they aren’t retaliated or discriminated against because they were – or their family member was – victimized by a QAV.
  • Workers will also have more protected time off than before when AB 2123 takes effect. That Bill amends  Unemployment Insurance Code section 3303.1 to prohibit the requirement that workers seeking family temporary disability insurance benefits take up to two weeks of earned but not used vacation leave prior to obtaining their access to the separate time off option. Employees will no longer have to consume their earned ‘vacation’ time when they need time off to manage disabling family circumstances.  
  • Independent contractors have new rights protecting them, too, with the enactment of the Freelance Worker Protection Act (FMPA). This new law gives freelancers who provide ‘professional services’ (human resources administration, marketing, grant writing, etc.) ‘basic worker protections’ against exploitation by requiring those who hire them to:
    • put the agreement in writing,
    • include both party’s names and addresses,
    • clearly define the scope of work expected,
    • clarify how compensation will be made and paid, and
    • establish the timeframe in which payment will be made.
  • Not least significant to many workers is the requirement that employers post their mandates regarding whistleblower laws in a prominent place. California’s ‘WhistleBlower model poster clearly states who the law is intended to protect, how those protections operate within the organization, defines the elements of the ‘act of alerting officials to questionable practices by employers, and provides contact information when reports could or should be made. Should that need arise, employees will now have easy access to this information.  
  • Rising demand for support from the State’s disability insurance program (SDI) will also impact workers in the form of a slightly higher tax to cover those costs. Withheld taxes for the SDI fund will cover increases in allowances for workers who must take time off because of injuries to them or to care for injured or sick family members.  


As the new year launches, employees and their employers will be changing their customary routines to reflect these changes in California’s employment laws. Hopefully, the changes will improve not just employee morale but employer and enterprise success as well.

CA Invests in Apprenticeships in 2025

There are many ways to build a workforce. In addition to structured educational programs, internships, and apprenticeships are also essential and valuable methods for finetuning workers to deliver precisely the right services and skills. In 2025, California’s government is investing $24.7 million in 65 different apprenticeship programs in the State’s most critical industries, giving both those companies and their future workforce a brighter, more financially stable future.

California’s Apprenticeship Innovation Funding (AIF) Program

In 2022, California introduced this new financial resource to increase its apprenticeship offerings across its many industries. In conjunction with the State’s Interagency Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships, the AIF assists organizations to scale and sustain their apprenticeship efforts.

Beginning in 2022, California allocated $135M towards the development and growth of these programs and has tasked the Departments of Industrial Relations (DIR) and its Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) with their administration. In FY 2023-2024, $75M was allocated for the purpose and the Governor has announced that another $24.7M is available for FY 2024-2025. These ‘earn-and-learn’ pathways allow novice workers to learn the skills they need to sustain long-term employment and earn money while on the (training) job. The 2025 allocation is expected to support over 8,200 new positions, paying an average of almost $32.00 per hour.

Notably, the newly funded apprenticeships pop up across several industrial spheres, which have already been designated as key sectors for sustaining the State’s economic foundation, such as advanced manufacturing, education, healthcare, transportation, business services, and the ‘public sector.’

More Money = Bigger Strategy

Additionally, in November 2024, Governor Newsom introduced a draft of a new framework designed to guide the State’s workforce and apprenticeship investment strategy, the California Jobs First Economic Blueprint. While the full document will be released in 2025, its draft offers exciting information for potential workers and their future employers:

• The framework encompasses ten primary industrial sectors that are critical to maintaining the State’s economy. These industries currently employ millions of workers across the State and produce billions of dollars in annual revenues.
• Administered by the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF), these apprenticeship-focused projects pursue California’s ambitious climate and economic goals, which aim at making the State carbon-neutral by 2045. CERF is powered by a $600M investment intended to stimulate the development of well-paying jobs in low-carbon industries. In its planning phase, CERF leadership worked with 13 High Road Transition Collaboratives around the State, each of which was granted $5M to build out their individual roadmaps to economic success, depending on the attributes and assets located within their region.
• The framework’s Regional Investment Initiative (RII) ensures that no community is overlooked or left out. The recent pandemic and weather-related disasters revealed significant service gaps in smaller, more remote communities. This program is designed to provide them with better, more comprehensive services and support to build a stronger local community economy from within. It should also prevent the repetition of previous failures and ensure that these small locales can grow their own economies and compete with their state-based and nationally situated competitors. Currently, the RII is completing its planning stage and has launched pilot projects across the State.
• The blueprint also recognizes that growth comes from new avenues as well as existing resources. It divides its industry focus into four segments, each of which supports a unique niche within each industry:
• The ‘Strengthen’ Stage – Established and economically competitive entities gain resources to continue their outward expansion. Industries identified in this category include manufacturing, professional and financial services, transport and logistics, and tourism, to name just a few.
• The ‘Accelerate’ Stage – Businesses and industries in emerging sectors gain funding to grow their capital and infrastructure foundations. Included in this strategy are organizations working in the life sciences, aerospace and defense, clean economy, and high-tech sectors.
• The ‘Bet’ Stage – Innovation also gets a nod with funding opportunities offered to emerging entities that provide high strategic importance within their industrial sphere. Entrepreneurs and other forward-thinking business leaders can find support to develop their unique but as-yet unproven initiatives in these areas: carbon management, critical minerals, artificial intelligence, and the emerging ‘bioeconomy.’
• The ‘Anchor’ Stage – Foundational entities located ‘on the ground’ in each region also benefit from the plan. These enterprises include existing businesses providing foundational support for workers, including education, child care, health care, and infrastructure management.

The blueprint sets out not just the goals but also the pathways to achieving its vision and commitment to economic growth through workforce development.

The CCCCO Weighs In

California’s Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) plays an integral part in the design, development, implementation, and success of many of California’s apprentice programs, and it works as a partner to the State in its goal of training 500,000 apprentices by 2029. The CCCCO also faces significant challenges in providing information, direction, and support for its 1.9 million students and 116 colleges. Underrepresented populations, economically challenged communities, and a lack of sustainable jobs and employment are all issues that arise on virtually every campus each year.

However, the agency has made good progress in its apprenticeship drive, with help from companion agencies like Jobs for the Future (JFF). That organization recently released a 2023 report on the depth and breadth of the apprenticeship initiative across the State:

• The Division of Apprenticeship Standards (an element of the CA Department of Industrial Relations) reports that the number of registered apprentices grew 11% between 2018 and 2023, from 84,217 to 93,798.
• Manufacturing provided the most apprenticeship opportunities (growing by 473% over that term), followed by healthcare (400%), IT (45%), and barbers and cosmetologists (95).
Barriers to further growth include insufficient employer engagement and a lack of funding options, both of which will be addressed with this new channel of state support.
Employers and future workers are encouraged to explore their apprenticeship options to find their own path to economic security through apprentice opportunities.

As the new year looms, many are looking to find a fulfilling and lucrative future in an existing or emerging industry. California offers its residents many opportunities by focusing on apprenticeships as training and workforce development tools.


Looking Ahead: Three EWD Developments in 2025

By all accounts, 2024 was a momentous year. The world grappled with inflation, war, and wild weather disasters, while America also endured a polarizing election cycle. As it comes to a close, numerous experts are making predictions about how 2024 events will translate into 2025 realities. By all of those accounts, 2025 will present equally challenging circumstances that will require patience, diligence, and fortitude to navigate.

The Agentic Workforce

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to lead most surveys as the driver of 2025 innovation and development. In 2024, organizations focused on embracing generative AI and instructional AI as they embedded those into their systems and programming. In 2025, AI becomes ‘agentic,’ and adds the capacity of autonomous decision-making to its many features. Agentic AI introduces iterative planning and sophisticated reasoning as tools to autonomously resolve complicated, multi-step problems. Using an agentic AI program adds a digital collaborative element to team activities, allowing human members to build innovations on digitally devised data foundations.

Four processes facilitate agentic AI functions:

1. Perception – The agentic AI program searches all available resources for relevant information, including sensors, digital interfaces, and databases. Images, documents, and programs are all open for evaluation based on the user’s specific inquiry or Project.
2. Reasoning – Using a large language model (LLM) facilitates agentic AI’s ‘thinking’ aspect. The LLM is designed to formulate the tasks, solutions, and strategies indicated by incoming data as those relate to the Project at hand. Additionally, ‘retrieval-augmented generation’ combines general knowledge data with enterprise-specific information to ensure that the company’s technological response is truly relevant and actionable.
3. Action – Directed by the combined analytics of in-house and real-world data, the agentic AI program can then execute appropriately responsive actions immediately and without additional oversight by humans. Embedded ‘guardrails’ within the program keep its activities tailored to the standards and preferences of the company.
4. Learning – Like all AI programming, agentic programs also learn as they go along, utilizing a continuous ‘feedback’ loop to clarify and test data model sets. Over time, the programming improves organizational efficiencies and decision-making capacities.

AI has already upended much of the 2024 industrial complex; agentic AI promises to cause as much of a furor in 2025.

Workforce Evolution: A Community of Skills

Even with the introduction of agentic AI, the human element of ‘workforce’ remains a critical tool for corporate success. While the COVID-19 pandemic changed how many occupations are performed (remote vs on-site, as an example), it also continues to influence how occupations are viewed by management. Emerging analysis indicates that the workforce will no longer be treated as a network of disparate jobs. Instead, it will be viewed as a ‘community of skills’ that is more fluid and flexible in its performance parameters. The changed perspective allows workers to expand their capacities beyond their job descriptions to utilize their full, individual talent base to address enterprise concerns. It also allows team leaders to harness the full complement of employee skills and abilities to pursue corporate goals.

And, speaking of ‘teams,’ investing in a team-based organizational strategy is also on the rise. Rather than managing a group of workers, team leaders will work within skill-based ecosystems, assigning tasks and activities to the members with the most relevant skill sets. Emerging problems and concerns will be ‘teamed’ as the new resolution strategy.

Workforce Evolution: Workforce Flexibility

New ways to maximize workforce assets will also be on the table in the new year. One driver of this trend is the incoming ‘Gen-Z’ workforce, people born after 1997. Like Millenials (the cohort born between 1981 and 1997), this generation of workers is tech-savvy and has fully embraced living life online. They already explore much of their world through digital portals and expect their work-life to be equally digitized. Consequently, working remotely will continue to be an option for employment, wherever that is feasible. However, the emerging workforce is seeking more than just locational flexibility. These workers are also looking for a more personalized employment experience where the work they do is tailored to their individual preferences and tastes.

Employers are responding by developing a more adaptive work environment that accommodates worker proclivities while also furthering corporate goals.

• Some have introduced ‘flexibility credits’ that facilitate their worker’s personal realities. Rather than demanding a traditional workday of ‘9-5, five days a week,’ these bosses allow employees to choose the hours they work based on their personal lives and obligations. In some cases, the flexibility spans the entire workweek, and workers produce their effort during the timeframe that works best for them. In other cases, there are certain ‘core’ hours when the entire workforce must be on the job. Otherwise, each employee can ‘flex’ their work time to suit their needs.
• In other cases, a ‘compressed’ work schedule allows the effort typically made during a five-day week to be compressed into a shorter time frame. The standard workday now comprises five days of eight hours per day. A compressed schedule may allow a worker to complete their work in ten hours a day over four days.

The impact of Gen-Z on the workforce will be notable, especially because so many companies are now struggling to find the talent they need. In many cases, this ‘talent shortage’ is technologically driven; the emergence of digital artificial intelligence has exploded the demand for tech-savvy experts and there aren’t enough of those available to fill all available job positions. Consequently, when an employer finds a worker with this skill set and these capabilities, keeping them happy on the job is a necessity for the future of the business. Data reveals that advertising a flexible worksite will attract top talent while also keeping corporate morale high. And a highly productive workforce almost always leads to high profitability.

The new year looms and changes are coming to how America and Americans work. If even a small percentage of these prognostications are accurate, it appears that 2025 will be even more momentous than 2024.


2024 PCC EWD Conversations: How We Value Labor – or Not

We are entering the 6th year of publication of The Pulse, a bi-monthly snapshot of the evolutions in global and local industrial sectors as seen through the eyes of Pasadena City College’s division of Economic and Workforce Development (PCC EWD). It’s been a momentous five years. The Pulse newsletter launched just as the COVID pandemic enveloped the world in early 2020, then evolved with its community through the emergence of the remote labor force, the advent of tele-education, and the rise of Artificial Intelligence as a global disruptor to all sectors.

In many ways, the pandemic was disastrous – millions lost their lives, while millions more lost their jobs and businesses. But, at the same time, COVID-19 pushed society through doors it had previously been reluctant to open:

  • Workers who had always been deemed ‘menial’ (and consequently ‘unseen’ by many in the community) were reclassified almost overnight as ‘essential’ because the services they provided were critical to maintaining their organization’s health and safety. Those occupations were finally garnering the respect they deserved.
  • The simple unfairness of long-entrenched social norms favoring some communities over others became apparent. Access to vaccines, in particular, revealed a ‘have’ and ‘have not’ culture that punished some neighborhoods in favor of others. Subsequently, internal processes across industries were modified in many ways to facilitate a more fair avenue to needed resources.
  • The transition from hands-on to digital work performance – from basic labor through all layers of oversight and management – happened almost overnight, too, as workers retreated home to work safely from there. Those businesses that had the capacity to do so transitioned their corporate activities to a technological resource, with many finding the new way of working to be better, more efficient, and more economically viable than the old way. In many, many cases, that transition has become permanent, and many workers continue to perform their labor in the comfort of their homes.

At the Pulse, we’ve tried to cover the issues that are most significant to our readers, those who are as invested in the economic success of our community as we are: educators, business owners, government agencies, and industry leaders. The pandemic and all its consequences have upended how everyone ‘does business,’ leaving many industrial fields open for reflection and reimagining.


What We’ve Learned So Far … About Legacy Laborforce Practices

The revelation of the ‘essential’ worker appears to have been a catalyst for a workforce overhaul and revolution. Seemingly overnight, society recognized the immense economic impact of the nation’s janitors, orderlies, stocking clerks, and all those others responsible for performing the fundamental functions that keep systems moving. While CEOs, corporate leaders, and management stayed safely behind their walls, these workers continued to show up at their worksites to keep those facilities clean, safe, and virus-free, even when the effort put their own lives in danger. That unique circumstance triggered the most extensive conversation on the Pulse: how do – or should – we value our workers?

Our exploration of this query was wide-ranging. We were curious about how today’s labor market evolved and why it remains so stuck in cultural norms that no longer serve its community:

  • Too often, labor was valued—and workers were paid accordingly—not in keeping with the ultimate value they produced but instead by the nature of who or what they were. Frequently, women, People of Color (POC), and the differently abled were assigned the lowest value for their effort regardless of the value it conferred simply because of those innate traits.
  • Economically, women, in particular, have fared poorly over the long term, not because their inputs have less value than a man’s but because their personhood isn’t recognized as having the same level of quality or reliability. Child-bearing is one reason still too often given for not considering a woman for a job or promotion; companies don’t want to invest in workers who can’t commit fully to the organization because their children may be prioritized over their occupation. While men are not subjected to this type of treatment, they also suffer when their interest in family matters is considered secondary to their obligation to their employer.
  • And it isn’t just women who don’t feel valued. As the pandemic rolled on, the country experienced a ‘Great Resignation.’ In 2021, more than 47 million people elected to voluntarily quit their work. While, yes, COVID and its health threat were the impetus in many cases, data indicates that America’s annual ‘quit rate’ had been rising since at least 2009. Some retired – the Boomer generation began hitting the 65-year mark in 2011. Others, however, were making choices to prioritize a better work/life balance, shuffling to new careers better suited to their talents, or simply refusing to return to (what they believed was) an unsafe workplace.

The pandemic appears to have been a catalyst for a labor force evolution, highlighting the exceptional value of previously unseen employees, offering opportunities to make long-desired changes in occupation, and reminding people that a ‘job’ is not also a ‘life.’


What We’re Seeing Now

Companies in all sectors have shifted policies and practices to accommodate the demands of the new, post-COVID workforce. As current and former employees assessed their situations, employers were looking for ways to either hire new people or retain the services of their existing work staff. Several themes emerged as drivers for revising how we value ‘work’ by optimizing worker satisfaction:

  • Work flexibility—Technology has given many employees the opportunity to work ‘remotely’ from anywhere, allowing them to make only intermittent appearances at the office. This phenomenon offers flexibility not only about where someone will do their job but also when they’re going to do it. When possible, many employers are content with providing a flexible work schedule that includes remote opportunities and suits their workers better.
  • Family matters—The importance of family relationships has also been elevated in workers’ opinions. Many men weren’t happy that workplace requirements caused them to lose precious time with their spouses and children. They began to advocate for equal time off to care for family members, and, in many sectors, the traditional ‘maternity leave’ standard has been revised as ‘family leave.’
  • Health security – The coronavirus posed a unique health risk to virtually everyone. Some jobs made it more prominent (see the discussions about ‘essential workers’ above), so employers were quick to do as much as possible to reduce that threat. In most other cases, the danger of illness or worse was sufficient to mandate changes in the physical configuration of the workplace to protect employees from inadvertent contamination. Companies eager to retain their workforce were attuned to these concerns and have made many changes within their facility to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.


The fadeout of the pandemic has ushered in a new normal for today’s workforce, shining a light on long-held injustices while compelling an overhaul on how the world – employers and employees – views the value of work. As the Pulse moves into its 6th year, we will continue to track how society values its labor force and continue to advocate for all workers to receive the highest possible levels of respect and compensation for their efforts.


2024 PCC EWD Conversations: the IIJA, AI, and Entrepreneurs

Over the past two years, The Pulse newsletter, a production of the Economic and Workforce Development division of Pasadena City College (PCC EWD), has been exploring how a variety of EWD elements impact the economy, from individual industries to worker satisfaction to economic sector evolutions. From a worker’s point of view, we’ve looked at how society values labor, how diversity and equity principles affect workforce performance, and how workers leveraged the COVID-19 pandemic to further their personal goals and aspirations.

In this article, we’re looking at factors beyond the workforce that are playing an immense role in the evolution of economic growth. In just three short years, three phenomena have emerged that are overhauling the future of work:

Data indicates that the impact of these three influences will continue to roil America’s economies and transform the way their work gets done.

The IIJA aka the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

While IIJA funding spans virtually all meta-industries, five are receiving the bulk of its resources: transportation, energy, watersheds/coastlines, water systems in general, and broadband. Further, almost all of its initiatives -97% – allow spending specifically on workforce development as a critical element of the end goal of an updated, modernized national infrastructure. With more than $1.2 trillion authorized for expenditures on the country’s physical assets, including its roads, rails, airports, etc., the Bill is also focused on building an updated, modernized labor force to maintain it long into the future.

Four agencies are delegated with 95%+ of the distribution of its financial resources: the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Department of Energy (DOE), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The DOT has the most funding available and is already deploying half its allotted amount across the country.

A Federal Infrastructure Hub developed by the Brookings Institute lists all projects authorized by the Bill, as well as funding allocations by state, awards granted (as of August 15, 2024), and the sectors in which they are deployed. The think-tank also shares a Published Guidance on calculating the formula for workforce training funds, which cover new and upskilling training costs within industries, including apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and other on-the-job training opportunities. Standards that facilitate a more equitable and balanced workforce sector are built into the workforce development strategy. Funding is available for job creation efforts that support occupations with union capacities, promote the use of project labor agreements, and ensure employer neutrality regarding union organizing. There is also guidance on best practices for expanding access to work and economic opportunities, especially as those arise through investments in transportation infrastructure projects.

The IIJA investments are already funding thousands of new jobs while rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure for the 21st Century and beyond.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Like the money associated with the IIJA/BIL, the technology related to AI is having an immense impact on global, national, and regional labor force developments. While the digital automation of repetitive tasks isn’t new, applying an overview of AI across those processes reveals new ways to improve the systems in which they operate. AI programming is able to discern system and workforce-related nuances that are invisible to the human eye and are often buried deep within processors and databases. Those digitally obtained insights provide new process perspectives that also frequently suggest a need for further innovation and development, such as occupational upskilling requirements, enhanced opportunities for personalization, and even the creation of new jobs to fulfill evolving industry demands.

On the other hand, as the opportunities and promise of AI evolve, the number of occupations it can potentially disrupt rises. A White House report analyzed laborforce data as it reflects aspects that are particularly ‘AI vulnerable.’ According to the July 2024 document:

  • As much as 10% of America’s overall occupational roster is at risk of decline or obsolescence because of the new technology.
  • Older workers are also more at risk of losing their jobs to or because of an AI resource. In many cases, the complexity of the emerging digital toolset is beyond the skill set of the older employee.
  • Organizations and occupations that are Ai-vulnerable are also less likely to unionize or have unionization efforts supported by management.

Another facet of the IIJA/BIL is providing resources that offer workers displaced by AI access to educational and training opportunities to replace AI jobs. In fact, Cisco, a global technology services provider, reports that, in the Information and Communications Technology sector (ICT), up to 92% of all occupations might require technology-related upskilling and reskilling as the digital tool becomes more embedded in industrial and economic processes. Its report, created in conjunction with several other global technology conglomerates, outlines not only how AI is transforming the ICT industrial network but also offers recommendations for upskilling 47 jobs to match future ICT demands.


The United States celebrates its entrepreneurial history regularly, as many of the contributions invented by notable Americans continue to provide service and value. Ben Franklin’s eyeglasses, Thomas Edison’s lightbulb, and Henry Ford’s automobile are all fundamental elements in the country’s persona and sense of pride.

Its emerging entrepreneurial corps is also making waves in the history books; recent data shows that the number of entrepreneur-owned businesses is growing, as is the number of jobs they’re creating. Especially in the small business sector (<500 employees), across the country, new companies are opening in response to unmet labor and market demands. According to the U.S. Treasury, they are responsible for over 70% of all new jobs created since 2019, and that number is growing. In 2024, new business applications averaged 430,000 per month, with those intending to hire workers comprising ~1/3 of those (140,000). And the diversity of the burgeoning entrepreneurial community is impressive, too. Almost half (42%) are female, while the numbers of Black, Asian, and Hispanic small business owners are also nearing their all-time highs.

Additionally, as of Q4 23, small businesses accounted for ~half (51%) of all private employers while also generating over 70% of all new jobs since 2019. These new enterprises are also seeking a well-trained workforce so they canvass specifically for updated digital and AI-related skillsets to ensure their competitive edge.

Further, economic developments in 2024 are encouraging entrepreneurs to continue their investments in labor and the economy. Recent drops in inflation and interest rates are compelling them to seek growth funding at a higher pace as they envision robust investments and engagement with consumers.


These three influences – the IIJA, Artificial Intelligence, and Entrepreneurialism – are already having an immense impact on how the nation moves forward economically in the post-COVID era. As we look toward 2025, we are expecting their presence to exert even more pressure on businesses and industries and, consequently, their affiliated workforce and economic development resources. The Pulse newsletter will be following those evolutions, giving our readers insights into the ‘future of work’ and how the evolution of jobs and employment will influence the global industrial complex.


The PCC EWD 2024 Future Of Work Conference – Part 3: The Panel Discussion

The nexus of sports, media, and entertainment was at the heart of the conversation during the 6th Annual Future of Work Conference (FOW) hosted by Pasadena City College on October 29th. Three notable public figures (Assemblyman Mike Fong, PCC President/Superintendent Jose Gomez, and LAEDC President Stephen Cheung) and two thrilling keynote speakers (Julie Urhman of the Angel City Football Club and Jasmine Star, business strategist) shared their insights on how sports have impacted their lives and careers.

The real convo, however, was among the four panelists, each of whom presented a unique and fresh perspective from their own personal and professional journeys. As a collection of individual commentaries, the discussion was fascinating. As a panel as a whole, the symposium was comprehensive in its scope.


The Topic:

Championing Careers: Workforce Development at the Intersection of Sports and Entertainment

A sport is not just a game; it’s many games, and how they’re being played is changing. Today’s professional and amateur sports environment hosts billions of fans across hundreds of thousands of sports, leagues, and players. All that sweat adds up to big business, and each of the panelists is invested in that business in one way or another:

Ms. Reaves has spent her life in the sports and entertainment industries. As a member of the LA Tourism & Convention Board and the Women in Sports and Events Inc. organization, she’s experienced first-hand how sports impact communities and how women impact sports.

Ms. Perez-Palacios spent years in Southern California’s political system, managing protocols, communications, and outreach for several administrations. The Los Angeles Chargers are the beneficiary of her expertise; in her Cultural Affairs Director role, she acts as the nexus between the team and LA’s diverse and sports-mad populations.

As a trade association, the LA Sports Council focuses on sports and sporting inclusion and innovation to positively impact the community. In his role as President, Cacciato brings his years of academic excellence in sports administration to drive the agency’s strategies and practices.

Every sports team also is a business or does business with its community. Dr. Cummo’s workforce development focus ensures that LA-based sporting companies and industries have the staff they need to meet fan demands and excel in their market.


The Questions:

Individually, the perspectives of this quad of industry, culture, business, and academic experts were informative and insightful. Together, their responses to questions from moderator Stephen Cheung (President – LA Economic Development Corporation) expanded the conversation into a genuinely all-encompassing treatise on how entertainment, sports, and media function as a whole sector in and of itself.

How do we create a triple-value bottom line – profit, community, environment – by building a sports-focused workforce?

The uniform answer from all was, “Bring your best game, whatever that might be.”

  • Perez-Palacios noted that ‘diversity’ is an industry driver. Every person offers unique skills and talents as a workforce member, regardless of their color, ethnicity, etc. Agencies that embrace the diversity of their staff – and fandom! – will grow more quickly and broadly than those that limit their potential candidates.
  • Reaves noted that women are becoming more involved with organized sports at all levels. Women’s sports teams are emerging in many communities, and as many as 75% of all women identify as sports fans. Harnessing that energy can only benefit the triad of sporting industries as a group.
  • Cacciato clarified how ‘sports,’ as a trade industry, opens doors to many non-game opportunities. The presentation of LA’s 2028 Summer Olympics, for example, is a collaboration of many sectors: entertainment (of course), but also transportation, hospitality, venue management, etc. Every element that supports game playing but isn’t specifically involved with the game or sport itself will need staffing and oversight by non-athletes.
  • Cummo discussed the physical impact of sports and sporting events on their environment, noting that sports organizers are addressing sustainability and green energy initiatives as well as athletics. Building these green standards into LA’s sporting sector will generate thousands of jobs needing thousands of well-trained and skilled workers.

How does your organization connect with potential sports industry workforce candidates?

Across the board, the answer was, “Go find them!”

  • Cacciato reported that every game, regardless of its type or caliber, typically has spectators, even if it’s just people stopping to watch during their nightly stroll. There can be job opportunities available for those folks if they are informed about them.
  • Reaves shared that companies that have already hired for sports-based events will almost certainly be hiring again for future events. People looking to enter the sector can start as a parking attendant or in crowd control to get a flavor of the work and a foot in the door.
  • Perez-Palacios suggests that social media channels can be helpful for potential candidates. Folks who respond to or engage with team-related email blasts and Facebook posts are often open to exploring a more significant role with their favorite team or player.
  • Cummo encouraged the panelists and audience to engage directly with the schools teaching relevant courses. California’s Community College Career Centers are conduits between employers and employees; those resources always benefit from industry professionals contributing to educational processes.

Other workforce-related suggestions were made:

  • Volunteer opportunities at many levels of a sporting operation often provide the open door through which paid employment becomes possible.
  • There are jobs beyond the foundational ‘sporting event’ occupations that require specialization, too. Finance, media, healthcare, and even mental health professionals can all contribute to an athletic team’s success.
  • The panelists also noted LA’s high profile in the sporting world. With Orange County teams included, the region is home to 13 professional sports teams, all of which have both resources and needs. Connect with all of them to expand opportunities for workers and the enterprise.

The panel discussion was an invaluable resource for Conference attendees to clarify how ‘sports,’ as an individual industry, can influence and drive growth in several ancillary sectors. Those who can’t play on the actual field can still have a personal and lucrative role in the game.


The PCC EWD 2024 Future Of Work Conference – Part 4: Key Takeaways

While the 2024 Pasadena City College Future of Work Conference focused on sports, media, and entertainment, many of the messages shared there translate into other industries and workforce sectors. These insights are of value to any business owner, industrialist, employee, or entrepreneur, and sharing them here extends the value of the Conference to any entity looking to find a qualified workforce, public recognition and growth, and greater success within its sector.


Leader Insights

The well-informed insights of the FOW Conference speakers and hosts were honed over decades of career and life experiences. Each participant freely shared how they built their skillset and then how they applied those skills to their roles within their organizations. Reviewing their individual contributions as a whole, their opinions and successes appear to converge around a few themes and theories that have proven successful for them all. Of further value to readers: a very convenient ‘sports’ analogy is available to explain how their effort propels their enterprise into the future.

All conference participants noted their intentional involvement with their local community, whether that’s a neighborhood high school softball team or a regionally dominant professional league franchise. The examples of significant outreach were instructional and inspiring:

Make the Connection

Every business must identify and unite with its target market; sports teams are no different. In these cases, the game, team, or player is often the draw. In non-sports businesses, the product or service may be the attraction for new buyers. Companies looking to connect better with a potential market must find ways that resonate with the consumers they’re trying to find. Using every available form of outreach – email, social media, television, flyers, etc. – offers the best opportunity to see and secure this new customer base.

Publicize Outside the Box

The Angel City Football Club (ACFC) prioritized community outreach before it even launched its team in the LA area. Recognizing that securing and maintaining public attention on a women’s sports team posed unusual hurdles (especially in LA’s already busy professional sports environment), ACFC’s female leaders began developing its public persona first, connecting with major soccer organizations and supporters to get the word out early and often. Soccer is a global sport, so many international people and communities were eager to hear their message and watch their team emerge.

Their outreach proved to be extraordinarily successful: just two years after its formation, the market valuation of the ACFC was set at $250 million when it sold in July 2024. Further, the new LA representative of the National Women’s Soccer League scored the most lucrative contract in the history of women’s sports at the end of its 2023 season. The $240 million contract will televise games on major streaming services and broadcast networks.

These organizations show up off the field, too. They participate with or volunteer for charities; their athletes make public appearances regularly, and school and hospital visits provide excellent public relations fodder for the company newsletter or email blast.

Reduce Barriers to Participation

Many people struggle to make ends meet, which impedes their opportunity to find better resources in their community. Corporations looking to build both a fan base and a workforce can assist promising future human assets by helping them with basics so they can focus on their future. Internships, apprenticeships, and training opportunities that maximize available timeframes provide options for course attendance and on-the-job training.

As an example, the ACFC focuses on women, girls, and the non-binary community, and its mission is to improve equity through sports. Achieving that goal means looking for ways to increase its target population’s participation in and enjoyment of team sports while also addressing the inequities that have prevented earlier participation.

The Club is running several strategies designed to help its target market get out of the house and onto the field:

  • They streamline sponsors to maximize the impact of their core outreach channels. Their inaugural sponsor, DoorDash, partnered with the team in 2021, inking a deal committed to delivering 250,000 meals through its Project DASH initiative to those in need in the LA region. In exchange, the mobile food delivery service gets a mid/center placement on the team jersey and other merchandise. The international poverty-fighting non-profit agency CARE has also joined this effort to identify the organizations most likely to benefit from the service.
  • The ACFC also recognized the challenges many women faced when it comes to financial management. In too many cases, women aren’t exposed to or don’t have access to financial literacy materials, so they are unable to access resources that are easily accessible to their male counterparts. The ACFC now offers classes to its female soccer fans to narrow the financial acumen gender divide.

Utilize All Available Tools

All these sports administrators recognize the value of incorporating available assets into every club project or outreach. The ‘Game Day Experience’ reference offers a unique case study:

  • Each fan is an individual who experiences each game day in a particularly unique way.
  • Data gathered throughout the consumer/entity engagement can flag organizations to populations that require novel or different types of support to be fully engaged with their team.
  • Tailoring game day activities to meet these fan demands helps the team connect better with their audience, regardless of the score of the game.

Social media technology, traditional media outlets, schools, fairs, and other community events and gatherings all offer appropriate venues for sports-based businesses to find both fans and a workforce.


Final Messages:

As the Conference closed, the panelists were asked how they would advise a person or company seeking to work with a sports team (or any organization that matches their business parameters):

  • The LA Chargers’ Lilianna Perez-Palacios advised job and career seekers to be themselves. “There is no one like you; there is only you.” The individual’s innate skills and talents will determine the best fit for their next employer.
  • The Rose Bowl’s Monique Reaves urged persistence in the pursuit of a career in any element of the ‘sports’ industrial sector. As the industry grows, more jobs are becoming available and need a workforce to fill them.
  • The LA Sports Council’s Matt Cacciato suggests that presenting oneself with confidence and self-esteem is essential, too. Every applicant for every job has a skill set that may offer tremendous value, but the organization can’t know what that is unless they receive that data directly.
  • PCC’s VP – Economic and Workforce Development division, Dr. Salvatrice Cummo, advised that applicants prepare for the interview by familiarizing themselves with the entity. Asking questions about the job, the team (or product/service), and the enterprise demonstrates strategic thinking and advanced planning skills.


Once again, Pasadena City College demonstrated its unique presence in LA’s EWD sector by hosting an informative, entertaining, and enlightening Future of Work conference. Thank you to all participants, attendees, and supporters, whether they’re sports fans or not.


The PCC EWD 2024 Future Of Work Conference – Part 1: Hosts and Moderator

The house was full for Tuesday’s Future of Work Conference (FOW), hosted by the Economic and Workforce Development division of Pasadena City College (PCC EWD). The theme of the event was “Championing a Transformative Future,” with the primary focus being on ‘Sports,’ as those activities – both professional and amateur – impact Los Angeles and its constituents. Panelists, speakers, and audience members expanded the scope of the conversation to include equity, opportunity, and emerging workforce demands in the city and region. Not least, the status and accomplishments of the 2024 Los Angeles ChangeMaker of the Year recipient, Dr. Jim Lancaster of the Los Angeles Community College District, reminded everyone that anyone can improve their lot in life and their neighborhood, one car engine at a time.


Sports – Always Drawing a Crowd

It may have been the Sports theme that attracted 240 in-person guests to PCC’s Westerbeck Hall (with an unknown number attending online), or it may have been the excellence of the speakers and panelists who graced the stage. The PCC EWD FOW Conference team had gathered a notable roster of ‘who’s who’ in their sporting field, and everyone brought their best game (pun intended). No matter the personal reasons for attending, all guests were entertained and enlightened by the conversation and were given much to think about as they headed back to their world.

Speakers and Hosts

Host Dr. Salvatrice Cummo, Vice President, PCC EWD division, opened the day, welcoming guests and introducing participants.

Dr. Jose Gomez

The first to speak was the new President/Superintendent of PCC, Dr. Jose Gomez. Dr. Gomez arrived at PCC in early 2024, bringing with him decades of educational leadership excellence. In his most recent position as COO at Cal State University – LA (among many, many significant accomplishments), he championed higher education in prisons, promoted inclusion in the biosciences sector, and helped to found Achieve LA, a partnership with the YMCA to support youth in under-resourced, communities.  

Dr. Gomez also pointed out Pasadena’s notable presence in the region:

  • The Rose Bowl hosted its first football game in 1922.
  • The New York Yankees stayed at the Langham Hotel while in town for their first World Series game.
  • Even Albert Einstein spent time in Pasadena!  

He is very enthusiastic about his new role at PCC and about the prospects of PCC students pursuing careers in the sports industry.

Assemblyman Mike Fong

Assemblyman Mike Fong also took the stage. As the Representative for District 49, Mr. Fong has pursued initiatives to reduce homelessness, add jobs, and expand access to education. From his perspective, the sports industry provides a broad scope of career opportunities unrelated to games or playing. Logistics, hospitality, and marketing are just three industry sectors that play an immense role in the success of any sports team.

Stephen Cheung, CEO LAEDC & WTCLA

Acting as host and moderator of the panel discussion was Stephen Cheung, the President and CEO of the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), as well as the President of the World Trade Center of LA. Mr. Cheung’s involvement in and influence on economic development has been exceptional:

  • Currently, he oversees eight LAEDC departments, including Industry Cluster Development and Applied Economics. The work done by the LAEDC and WTCLA touches virtually every industrial sector in the LA region and the State of California.  
  • Earlier, he was Managing Director of International Trade and Foreign Affairs for two LA mayors, developing programs for LA’s port systems (including LAX and the Port of Los Angeles, which includes both LA and Long Beach ports and is the largest port system in America), green technologies, and international trade.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Cheung proved to be an excellent moderator of the Panel discussion, which is covered in this edition’s second article.

The 2024 Change Maker Award – Dr. Jim Lancaster

The Economic and Workforce Development division of Pasadena City College (PCC EWD) is honored to announce Dr. Jim Lancaster as the recipient of its 2024 Change Maker Award. Dr. Lancaster is the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development for the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCCD). The announcement was made on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at the 6th Annual PCC EWD Future of Work Conference.

Dr. Lancaster’s dedication to his industry and his students led to his selection as the recipient of this year’s award, which highlights the activities of notable participants in LA County’s EWD sector. Dr. Lancaster’s Associate in Science (AS) degree in Automotive Technology from Cerritos College launched his automotive mechanic career, and he used his experience as a Master Chevrolet Technician to pursue higher education in the automotive field. He began teaching automotives at Cerritos as he worked through his academic goals, achieving a Bachelor’s degree in Vocational Education from CSU Long Beach, an MA in Industrial and Technical Studies from CSU Los Angeles, and an Ed.D in Educational Leadership: Community College Specialization from CSU Fullerton. Time spent at Citrus College as a faculty member (and President of the faculty association) and at the Los Angeles Trade Technical College as Vice President of Instruction facilitated his eventual appointment as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Los Angeles City College. That role was quickly followed by his current assignment as Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development for the LACCD.     

Throughout his career, Dr. Lancaster continuously forged partnerships between academia and industry.

  • He recognized the value of hands-on learning and developed pathways to career success based on individual student goals and the industrial demands of the evolving automotive sector.
  • He’s also been very effective at ensuring learners gain insights into equity principles in the workplace, so their participation includes both excellent work skills and civic responsibility.
  • His contributions added substantial value to the Advantage LA Plan, which helps older students and workers find the unique support they need.

Across his years in the industry, Dr. Lancaster has fostered relationships between businesses, educators, and industry leaders, connecting market demands to student career objectives. His efforts have secured the success of both student success and workforce development initiatives, empowering learners to engage more closely with their careers while facilitating innovation and evolution within industrial sectors.

Congratulations, Dr. Lancaster!

The PCC EWD 2024 Future Of Work Conference – Part 2: Keynote Speakers

Every conference highlights the notable accomplishments of its Keynote speakers, who are invited to participate based on their exceptional contributions to their industry. The two keynote speakers at the 6th Annual Future of Work Conference hosted by the Economic and Workforce Development division of Pasadena City College are no exceptions to this practice. In fact, the perspectives of both Julie Urhman, President and Co-Founder of the Angel City Football Club (ACFC), and Jasmine Star, a highly regarded business strategist, melded nicely with the conference topic: “Championing a Transformative Future.” Each shared her personal and professional story and how those led her to her current role. Both overcame significant hurdles to attain the high levels of success they’ve achieved. Together, they epitomize the meaning of ‘transformation.’


Julie Urhman – Angel City Football Club

If you thought the co-founder of a professional sports team began as a player of that sport, you’d be wrong if you’re talking about Entrepreneur Julie Urhman. She came to the ACFC through her work as a PR leader. She joined her friend and fellow founder, actor Natalie Portman (along with venture capitalist Kara Nortman), to build a female-focused sports franchise around the mission of ‘improving equity through sports.’ None of the three women were affiliated with any kind of sport before the ACFC came into being. They were all focused on their ‘real’ jobs in public relations, media, and venture capitalism.

However, the three came together around the drive to ‘change the business of women’s sports‘ by developing a professional women’s soccer team that would rival the popularity and success of a men’s team.

By all accounts, they are achieving that goal within their first two years in business as the ACFC. Urhman credits several influences that have bolstered the team’s upward trajectory:

  • Social Media – Today’s sports fans connect not just with their team but also with their favorite players, and social media channels offer that direct interaction. The player’s opportunity to commune with and support their fans where the fans are is unmatched, and the ACFC uses carefully curated data and AI resources to ensure their messaging responds directly to their fans’ preferences.
  • Advancing Equity Initiatives – The past few years have revealed the deep and wide economic rifts between men’s and women’s sports, and the ACFC intends to reduce that gap. That effort began with the original pitch to potential club sponsors, who, according to Urhman, “are not transactional entities.” Rather than simply placing a logo on a cup, the ACFC strategy embraces investors who already share their equitable outlook. Further, because of the nature of the team leadership triad, international sponsorship was available. Because soccer is a global sport, the PR outreach effort to establish and popularize the ‘ACFC brand’ predated the launch of the actual team. Consequently, investors and fans were ready, willing, and waiting for games to start as the ACFC took to the field for its first game.
  • Knowing Who to Approach – An early lesson came from attending meetings with funding entities that weren’t interested in sports, soccer, or women’s athletics. ‘Traditional’ investors asked traditional questions, many of which weren’t relevant to ACFC’s quest. Instead, the trio turned their attention to investors who were already open to new ideas. Some came on board because of the entrepreneurial aspect of the club; others were simply great soccer fans, and fans of women’s soccer.

The team’s insights have paid off well. Urhman notes that today’s ‘fandom’ spreads far beyond the bleachers; while 1% attend games, 99% access ACFC assets from a distance. Despite its LA base, the club now sells its merchandise in all 50 states and 50 different countries.

Looking forward, Urhman and the ACFC leadership team have several initiatives in action or in mind to better serve the community:

  • They’ve already allocated 10% of all sponsorship dollars for community use.
  • Their Player 22 Program connects current and past players with financial and entrepreneurial resources so they can pursue a future in sports once their game days are over.
  • The college student demographic is one of their primary target markets and an excellent resource for fans, employees, and future investors. And their investment in college women is especially welcome: apparently, the lack of a sports bra is the single biggest reason why more girls and women don’t play sports. The Angel City Football Club is working to address that concern, too.

Urhman’s commentary was informative and inspiring, and so also completely worth watching again. Click here to watch a replay of the event and hear Julie Urhman’s invaluable contribution.


Jasmine Star – Inspired Corporate Strategist

The closing Keynote Speaker’s job is to send attendees off, inspired to do more in their sector with the information gleaned from the conference. Jasmine Star, the closing speaker at the FOW conference, did precisely that by sharing her back story and the methods and mindsets she used to build her multimillion-dollar brand.

A first-generation college student herself, Star recognizes the struggles many people endure as they strive to attain their early goals. Home-schooled by enlightened and engaged parents, she vigorously pursued her passions, even when she couldn’t adequately articulate them. She focused on education enough to earn a bachelor’s degree from Whittier College and entry into UCLA’s Law School. She was self-aware enough to know that law wasn’t her future. Instead, she withdrew from that school, purchased her first camera, and became a noted and highly skilled photographer.

That educational evolution illuminated for her her foundational mantra: “Possibility is Impossibility in Disguise.” The message helped her see that the barriers she perceived often suggested their own solutions if one is willing to look for them. She embraced that notion and set aside her hesitation in favor of her confidence that she could achieve anything she prioritized.

The consequence of her mindset turnaround? In addition to her internationally acclaimed photography business, she added titles to her resume:

  • ‘Business Strategist’ by helping hundreds of companies and corporate leaders overcome industry and personal challenges to achieve greater success;
  • ‘Tech Company Founder’ by launching Social Curator, a software program that customizes online content for customers and
  • ‘Podcaster and Motivational Speaker’ by sharing her story, her unique and varied paths to success, and her uninhibited enthusiasm for growth and development.

As a leader, she also developed mindset strategies to help companies of all sizes excel:

  • ‘Candor’ is more productive than ‘critique.’ Employees do better when their effort is appreciated, even if it isn’t optimal for the project.
  • Stay humble. Leaders work FOR their team, not the other way around.
  • Be empathetic. Acknowledging that people are doing their best alleviates their stress.

Star closed with her ‘Three P’s’:

Perseverance – stick to your strategy through till its end.

Patience – things rarely go as planned – be ready for that.

Promise – not to quit on yourself.

Following these concepts allows leaders to ‘live in the gain, not in the gap,’ and Jasmine Star is certainly a role model for that business leader mindset.


Talkin’ Sports, Media, and Entertainment: The 2024 FOW Conference Panelists

Obviously, the LA region didn’t land its third Olympic Games without a well-thought-out plan to accommodate them. That plan was laid out in 2017 in the documentation submitted to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and, after its acceptance, extended by the organizations tapped for its execution. Leaders from some of those organizations are joining the discussion hosted by the Economic and Workforce Development division of Pasadena City College during its 6th annual Future of Work Conference, which begins at 9 AM (breakfast at 8) on Thursday, October 29th, on the school campus (register here to attend – it’s free).


Many Facets – One Olympic Games Event

This year’s panel of speakers and participants spans the panoply of sporting influences: games, culture, economics, and education.

Our Host and Panelist

Dr. Salvatrice Cummo – Vice President and CEO of the school’s division of Economic and Workforce Development (PCC EWD).

PCC’s EWD is a critical player in the LA region’s economic and workforce development efforts, connecting together the students and schools with the businesses and industries looking for workers. As its leader, Dr. Cummo oversees its many initiatives, each designed to approach and engage with an element (or elements) of a particular effort in the EWD sector. Notable aspects of PCC’s EWD division reflect the many and various avenues that contribute to economic and workforce success, including (but not limited to):

The whole of Dr. Cummo’s EWD division provides invaluable support and guidance for all local and regional entities seeking to improve their economic capacities and status.

Our Moderator

Stephen Cheung – President & CEO of the LA Economic Development and the Corporation (LAEDC) and the World Trade Center LA.

Mr. Cheung enthusiastically pursues the LAEDC mission – Reinventing our economy to collaboratively advance growth and prosperity for all – through skillful management of its many teams, including Applied Economics (the research branch), Industry Cluster Development, Strategic Relations, Communications & Marketing, and Public Policy, among them. As a trusted resource for both data and expertise, Cheung’s LAEDC has been instrumental in economic and workforce growth in the region and around the world. He also sits on the boards of the Luskin School of Public Affairs at UCLA, the UCLA Extension, and the LA Workforce Development Board, among others.


Keynote Speakers

Thoughts to Start the Day          Julie Uhrman – Angel City Football Club President

Launching the day is the keynote commentator Julie Uhrman, President and Co-Founder of LA’s Angel City Football Club. When they founded the club in 2020, Ulrman and her business partners (actor and activist Natalie Portman and venture capitalist Kara Nortman) used lessons from the entertainment and tech industries to establish a new business model for women’s sports. Rather than launch and then build its brand, the group generated an impressive international presence for the club throughout its first three years. The effort paid off: while definitely moving the needle in its quest for pay equity in sports, the Club was valued at $250M when it sold in the summer of 2024, making it the world’s most valuable women’s sports team. The new controlling owners? Bob Iger, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, and Willow Bay, Dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Uhrman will talk about how the team has evolved, the business model that’s supported its rise, and the importance of the emerging generation of female athletes and women’s sports.

Thoughts to Take Away               Jasmine StarEntrepreneur, Corporate Strategist, Tech Innovator

Jasmine Star built her agency from wedding photographer to social media technology guru to internationally recognized speaker and motivator. Along the way, she honed her creative capacities to meet every demand and request by designing out-of-the-box marketing strategies, building system-driven teams, and helping others to generate world-class businesses and enterprises. Her comments will inspire live and virtual attendees to raise their standards and follow their most ambitious goals.


Panel Discussion

Sports and the business of sports comprise the theme of the day: “Championing Careers: Workforce Development at the Intersection of Sports and Entertainment.”  As a business, every team or sports organization has its  typical corporate activities to maintain, including hiring and managing an effective workforce. Economically, the enterprise generates revenues, engages with community partners, and stimulates tax contributions to local cities and communities. All these activities happen far from the playing field, yet they play a critical role in the sports team’s success. Panelists will discuss insights and lessons learned from their roles within the administration of LA’s most popular sports franchises and venues.

Dominick Correy – Rose Bowl Stadium Director of Community Relations

Pasadena’s Rose Bowl is a world-renowned sporting facility, hosting the annual college football Tournament of Roses Rose Bowl game every New Year’s Day, as well as many other sporting and community events throughout the year, including five Super Bowls. As a former District Representative in California’s State Senate, Correy knows the significance of the Bowl’s prestige around the world – and around the corner. His job is to ensure the stadium maximizes all of its resources for supporting its community and attracting top-of-the-line events. His efforts are effective: the venue was chosen as one of 12 sites for the 2026 FIFA World Cup games.

Liliana T. Perez-Palacios – Sr. Director of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles Chargers

As her bio reveals, Ms. Perez-Palacios works to align the various social, economic, and cultural sectors in the LA region with commonly sought benefits for both companies and fans. In her five-year term (so far) with the Chargers, she’s already been blazing trails:

  • She’s the team’s first Latina and the inaugural Senior Director for Cultural Affairs
  • She’s a Mexican-born American who grew up in the Pico-Union community of West LA, and
  • In the 1980s, as an intern for Assembly Majority Leader Mike Roos, she played an integral communications role in his quest for immigration reform, being both bilingual and involved in the immigration process herself.

She’ll share her perspective on how her intention to ‘be of service’ was also her superpower, motivating her to become a fearless problem solver for those in need.

Matt Cacciato – President & CEO, Los Angeles Sports Council

Mr. Cacciato has had a colorful career in sports, spending time at ESPN (Sales Director, East & West regions) and Fox Cable Networks (VP Sales, West region) before launching his own education-focused enterprise, AmericanEDtv, in 2011. Over the next decade, his comprehension of sports as an economic driver grew through his work teaching (Department of Sports Administration, Ohio University College of Business) and leading (Director, Masters of Sports Administration – Ohio University; Executive Director, AECOM Center for Sports Administration) the conversations among athletes, sports enterprises, and sports-related businesses across the full spectrum of sporting industries. In January 2024, he was installed as the President and CEO of the LA Sports Council, where he remains focused on its mission:

  • to ‘innovate’ new ways of presenting and consuming sports,
  • to ‘include’ all community members in its work and outreach, and
  • to ‘impact’ the LA region socially, equitably, and economically through expanded engagement in its sports resources.

Dr. Cummo also joins this panel.

The 2028 Olympics will be here soon, and the social, infrastructural, and economic developments in preparation for them will enhance the city’s prestige and livability for decades to come. The panelists at PCC’s Future of Work Conference will help attendees understand better how investments in sports can be the drivers of a thrilling and thriving economy.



Sports, Media, and Entertainment: Welcome to the PCC EWD 2024 Conference!

The 2028 Olympics are fast approaching, bringing the world’s biggest international sports extravaganza back to Los Angeles. However, as big an event as those games will be, LA is not suffering from a shortage of local, regional, and national sporting opportunities. Both professional and amateur athletics enjoy immense popularity with the general public, so much so that new occupations and careers are emerging as individual leagues, sports, teams, and players attract more attention and money.

In fact, the constellation of sports, entertainment, and media in the region are so prominent in today’s news that they’ve become the theme of Pasadena City College’s 2024 Future of Work Conference, happening on campus and live-streamed on Tuesday, October 29th (register here). As was the case in our last five conferences, this event gathers regional industry experts and luminaries to share their insights and opinions about sports as a form of entertainment and the workforce development opportunities that arise from that metric.


LA Sports from All Sides

The ever-burgeoning sports industry continues to boom, both in popularity and economically. In fact, ‘sports’ now are more than just ‘games.’ ‘Sports,’ as a thing in and of itself, is also big business – and getting bigger as contributory companies and industries emerge to better serve the teams, the fans, and the general public.

LA is a notable mecca for sports fans, being one of the two largest and nationally recognized major markets for both professional and collegiate sports. It boasts nine major venues that each entertain more than 20,000 spectators and 11 professional sports teams across five primary sporting sectors: the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, Major League Soccer, Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League. Those big leagues, combined with smaller leagues and teams, pump almost $9 billion into the community each year through ticket sales and merchandising at each venue, as well as the vast volume of related sales occurring in the hospitality, transportation, and other associated industries. While the events themselves thrill viewers and participants, the economic value of these sporting activities provides critical financial assets to their local cities and towns.

As an example, in 2022, just four world-class signature events generated over $1 billion: the 123rd US Open Golf Championship ($187M), WrestleMania 38 ($215M), the College Football National Championship game ($225M), and Super Bowl LVI ($477M). Countless other smaller events were also on the calendar that year, and the revenues generated by both pro and college sports contributed a total of $365 million in state and local taxes.


LA Sports From Within

But money spent isn’t the only metric that reflects the high value of sports in the LA region. There are several other elements related to sports that are also enhancing LA’s reputation as THE place to play, watch, or engage in sports:

Infrastructure Inputs

Hosting a crowd of any size requires a sound infrastructure, from the roads, rails, and planes that transport fans and teams, to the hotels and restaurants that feed them and offer respite, to the publicly available facilities and sanitation services that keep things clean and hygienic. The LA region enjoys a globally vaunted reputation as a media and entertainment capital, not least because its infrastructure is designed to manage the logistics involved in major sporting events. As an added resource, the City has received $900M from the federal and State governments to enhance its infrastructure even more for the 2028 Olympics. Work repairing bridge, roads, and streets has begun, and more transportation and related assets will be added as the Games get nearer.

Financial Inputs

Since the COVID-19 pandemic ended, the LA region has experienced an explosion in investments specifically to build its sporting infrastructure. According to the Los Angeles Sports Council, a non-profit sports trade association dedicated to creating a stronger and more resilient LA community around its sports and sporting industries, growth in all aspects of the sports industry surged through 2023, grossing almost three-quarters of a billion ($717M) more than was received in 2022. Both college and pro sports continue to gain fans ($340M and $377, respectively), while more than 83,000 new jobs were created. The total value of labor income generated through sporting activities in 2023 was almost seven billion ($6.9), compared to $4B in 2021 and $3.6B in 2018. The figures indicate that LA’s sports industry is also an independent economic engine for the City and region.

Equity Inputs

Growth isn’t measured just by financial statistics, either. From an equity perspective, LA’s sports industries also lead the way by including athletes of all genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds. The Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission (LASEC) manages the LASEC Business Connect, a supplier diversity program that identifies companies owned and managed by local, diverse individuals and connects them with the sporting agencies and organizations that can use their goods and services. Added mentoring and professional development support ensure that enterprises that are frequently overlooked in the bidding and contract procurement processes are included in both the conversations and the subsequent agreements.

Launched in 2022 in time for Super Bowl LVI, LASEC Business Connect has since been facilitating the expansion of companies chosen to provide services to major regional sporting events. Qualifying LA County-based organizations must be direct suppliers of goods or services, in business locally for at least three years, and be at least 51% owned by a woman, a minority person, those who identify within the LGBTQIA+ strata, a person with a disability, or a veteran individual.


With much of the foundation already in place for the ’28 Games, the LA County region is on its way to hosting perhaps the most successful Olympics ever. The fact that it’s also layering in an improved infrastructure for its communities and building in new and exciting equitable assets in the process indicates that, as an Olympic host, the LA basin will be the biggest winner of all.

LA28 Olympics: Equity in the Mix

California has been a world leader since its statehood was established in 1850. In the intervening 174 years, the state has contributed innumerable assets and values to local, regional, national, and international cultures, enhancing the lives of billions of people and providing an almost unlimited array of avenues to personal and professional success for its residents. The forthcoming Olympics, set to take place in Los Angeles (LA) from July 14 through 30, 2028, offer yet another opportunity for the Golden State to demonstrate its capacities for innovation, rejuvenation, and leadership.

However, having the facilities for such a grandiose event is not the only benefit that California offers these Olympics. The state is also focused on utilizing those assets to improve and maximize its unique constellation of equity initiatives as well, to ensure that all attendees – athletes, support staff, visitors, and spectators – receive the best Olympic experience possible. By concentrating development and implementation efforts on both the sport and the human elements of these Games, California as a state – and LA as the host city – intends to embrace the whole of humanity within this unique and truly global experience.


The Golden State Delivering

On many fronts, California is already prepared for the upcoming sporting extravaganza. As a political entity, the state leads not just the U.S. but also the world in its foresight for and nurturing of equitable growth:

  • It boasts an unparalleled healthcare system that provides care for all lower-income residents, regardless of their age, condition, or immigration status.
  • It expands the federal SUN Bucks program to ensure that all children receive food assistance through the summer months when schools – and their publicly supported lunchrooms – are closed.
  • It recently enacted a constitutional amendment that expanded family planning protections to guarantee reproductive freedom for all residents and healthcare clinic safety for the medical professionals providing those services.

Not least, and of significant financial importance, California also hosts the home bases for the most Fortune 500 companies in the country (and 35 of the world’s 50 top AI enterprises, among many others), which gives it an unmatched and exceedingly advantageous economic foundation.

The state is also deeply invested in enriching its core infrastructure and is using the Games as an inspiration and impetus to move those improvement efforts forward. In May 2024, the state’s Transportation Agency (CalSTA) reported progress toward its $40 billion (state and federal funds) investment in state-wide transportation improvements, including bridgework overhauls, public transport systems, and electric vehicle industry expansions. In its announcement, CalSTA reiterated California’s ‘people-first’ mission and its four core priorities of safety, climate action, economic prosperity, and equity, all of which are foundational to its decisions and the actions it takes to accomplish those goals.

Even before its selection as Olympic host site and as an independent state boasting the world’s fifth-largest economy, California led the world in its commitment to improving the fundamental situations of its communities and residents.


LA’s Athletic and Urban Infrastructure

Despite the challenges it’s currently managing (an aging water system, significant traffic congestion, and swelling energy demands, to name just three), LA remains an exceptionally well-developed Olympic Games venue. Facilities created for the 1932 Summer Olympics and the 1984 Summer Olympics continue to host sporting and entertainment events, providing the community with unparalleled resources for both fun and financial gain.

Further, as the 2028 Games’ host city, LA is already ahead on its development curve and is busy retrofitting its previous Olympic venues to meet the demands of today’s sporting specifications. Existing and available sporting facilities designed for local and regional use will be co-opted for the Olympic purpose, expanding the scope of the city’s effort and maximizing its current asset values. Utilizing existing resources has eliminated the need to build more, so, for the first time ever, the Olympic host city will not be adding any new permanent venues to its roster of event sites. By embracing and enhancing existing assets, the city is saving the millions of dollars typically used for new asset development while also aligning itself with the sustainability goals of the International Olympic Committee.

In all, when the Games finally launch, more than 80 individual venues across the LA basin will be featured as Olympic sites, showcasing more than 50 sports, more than 800 events, and over 3,000 hours of live sporting action.


LA28: A Study in Olympic Equity

Equally important to the LA Olympic developers is the embrace and advancement of equitable principles and activities within all of their efforts. To further these discussions and ensure that all progress is equitably fruitful, organizers are working with experts from RAND, a research-based non-profit dedicated to improving policymaking through research and analysis. The RAND group prepared numerous studies for prior Olympic games, including those in London and Paris (each of which is a three-time Olympic host), and has shared those reports with the LA Olympic group.

Using the RAND evidence-based strategy, the LA Olympic committee is pursuing stakeholder conversations that provide relevant information and data upon which to ground their policy and financial decisions. The RAND Center to Advance Racial Equity Policy partnered with professionals from the American Institute of Architects Los Angeles and the Urban Land Institute Los Angeles to finetune their questions related to equity, sport, and community, believing that the Games themselves are more successful when the host community also benefits from them in the long term. These discussions were comprehensive, highlighting the diversity of LA’s many unique neighborhoods and populations, acknowledging the challenges posed to its marginalized communities, and exploring the impact the Games would have on local and regional industries.


Consequently, at this moment in time with the Games just four years away, LA and California are well on their way to hosting yet another unique and innovative sporting extravaganza that embraces the best of its assets – geographical, recreational, and human.